
  • Messages queues are like an array of mailboxes but with one wait list.
  • Each queue uses one Event Control Block (ECB) and one OS_Q block. The ECB points to the OS_Q.
  • The OS_Q is a set of pointers used to manage a circular buffer used to hold the queue’s data. The buffer lives in the memory allocated by the caller to OSQCreate. A pointer to the memory for the buffer is pass in as a parameter when the queue is created.
  • By default the queue is FIFO, or First In First Out.


OS_EVENT *OSQCreate(void **start, INT16U size);
  • Must be called from a task.
  • Caller allocates the memory before the call. For example:
void *ArrayOfMsg[size];
  • The funciton takes an ECB and a OS_Q from the free lists and initialize the pointers.
  • The queue stars off empty.


OS_EVENT *OSQDel(OS_EVENT *pevent, INT8U opt, INT8U *perr);
  • Deletes the queue.
  • Frees the Event Control Block (ECB) and the OS_Q used by the queue.
  • Requires an option
    • OS_DEL_NO_PEND - don’t delete if tasks are waiting on the queue.
    • OS_DEL_ALWAYS - always delete.
  • If called with OS_DEL_ALWAYS, the queue will be deleted even if tasks are waiting on it.
    • All the waiting tasks will become ready.
  • Best practice is to first delete all tasks that use the queue before deleting the queue.


void *OSQPend(OS_EVENT *pevent, INT16U timeout, INT8U *perr);
  • Must be called from a task.
  • Takes messages from the front of the queue.
  • If there is a message it returns it right away.
  • If there is no message it moves the task to the wait list. The task blocks on the queue.


INT8U OSQPendAbort(OS_EVENT *pevent, INT8U opt, INT8U *perr);


void *OSQAccept(OS_EVENT *pevent, INT8U *perr);
  • Can be called from a task or an ISR.
  • Checks if there is are any messages in the Queue. If there is it removes the first one from the queue and returns it to the task.
  • If there are no messages it returns 0.
  • Does not block.


INT8U OSQPost(OS_EVENT *pevent, void *pmsg);
  • First In First Out (FIFO).
  • Can be called from a task or an ISR.
  • If there is are tasks waiting, then the highest priority task is made ready to run and gets the message at the front of the queue.
  • If there are no waiting tasks the message is added to the end of the queue.
  • If the queue was full it returns an OS_Q_FULL error.
  • If a task was made ready it calls the scheduler.


INT8U OSQPostFront(OS_EVENT *pevent, void *pmsg);
  • Last In First Out (LIFO). Behaves like a stack.
  • Can be called from a task or an ISR.
  • If the queue is empty and there is a waiting task then the task is made ready and it gets the message.
  • If there are no waiting tasks, then the message is inserted at the front of the message queue ahead of older messages instead of going at the end of the queue.
  • If the queue was full it returns an OS_Q_FULL error.
  • If a task was made ready it calls the scheduler.


INT8U OSQPostOpt(OS_EVENT *pevent, void *pmsg, INT8U opt);
  • Newer function that can replace OSQPost and OSQPostFront.
  • Can be called from a task or an ISR.
  • Takes options that can be combined together.
      • All waiting tasks are made ready and all get the message.
      • Calls the scheduler.
      • If there are no waiting tasks the message is added to the front of the queue.
    • No option
      • If there are no waiting tasks the message is added to the back of the queue.


INT8U OSQFlush(OS_EVENT *pevent);
  • Reset the queue’s buffer pointers which erases the messages.
  • Does not delete the messages memory.
  • Can be called from a task or an ISR.


INT8U OSQQuery(OS_EVENT *pevent, OS_Q_DATA *p_q_data);
  • Can be called from a task or an ISR.
  • Caller allocates a OS_Q_DATA struct and pass in a pointer to it.
  • Copies the queue’s information into the OS_Q_DATA struct.
    • OSMSG - points to the message.
    • OSQSIZE - size of the queue.
    • OSNMSG - number of messages in the queue.

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