

void OSTimeTick(void);
  • Called by the hardware timer tick. Use by uCOS to increment its internal timer.
  • The timer interrupt should occur 10 to 100 times per second.
  • This function should be called by the timer IRQ through a function pointer set in the VIC.


void OSTimeDly(INT16U ticks);
  • Provides a timed delay.
  • Ticks is a value between 0 to 65,536 (16 bits)
  • A delay of 0 means no delay but it does remove the task from the ready list and calls the scheduler, forcing a context switch.
  • The delay resolution is one tick. What that means is that a delay of N will actually be anywhere from N-1 to N. Possibly one less than asked for.


INT8U OSTimeDlyHMSM(INT8U hours, INT8U minutes, INT8U seconds, INT16U milli);
  • Alternative interface for the time delay.
  • Enables setting the delay in hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds.
  • Depends on a correctly set OS_TICKS_PER_SEC in os_cfg.h.
  • Can delay up to 256 hours or 11 days.
  • Forces a context switch.


INT8U OSTimeDlyResume(INT8U prio);
  • Cancels the delay of the task at the specified priority.
  • Also cancels waiting for an event with a timeout delay. Though it will appear to the task that the timeout had expired.


void OSTimeSet(INT32U ticks);
  • Sets the uCOS time count.
  • Timer count is a 32 bit value.
  • Rolls over at 4,294,967,295 ticks or 4GB ticks.


INT32U OSTimeGet(void);
  • Get current time count.

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