Drivers are a set of functions that encapsulate the interactions with particular pieces of hardware. There is usually at least one driver for each hardware type such as USB, Serial, Ethernet, etc.
To help make driver code resusable drivers typically have a common interface using the same basic commands. The commands are:
Define a handle for internal use.
typedef struct
INT8U DrvIndex; // index of driver list for this device
INT8U DevIndex; // index of device within driver
OS_EVENT *Event; // Handle's semaphore
INT8U RefCount; // reference count for Handle
Device name link list
struct _OSDRV_NAME;
typedef struct _OSDRV_NAME
char *pName; // name of device
struct _OSDRV_NAME *pNext; // link to next name
Configuration table for driver initialization.
Exclusive means that the driver model will only give the driver one request at a time per handle. A driver that only wants to handle one request per device at a time should set Exclusive when it registers and only allow one Open per device
typedef struct
INT8U Exclusive; // TRUE, device accepts only one request at a time
OSDRV_NAME Name; // device name, linked list
Dispatch function entry points for a driver.
typedef struct _OSDRV_DISPATCH
POSDRV_INIT pInit; // Initialization function
POSDRV_OPEN pOpen; // Open function
POSDRV_CLOSE pClose; // Close function
POSDRV_READ pRead; // Read function
POSDRV_WRITE pWrite; // Write function
POSDRV_IOCTL pIoctl; // Ioctl function
The table of drivers to be supported in this build create this table, initializing only the Dispatch.pInit item and pass to OSDRV_Init() on startup.
typedef struct
OSDRV_DISPATCH Dispatch; // dispatch table for driver
OSDRV_CONFIG Config; // configuration of device
PVOID pContext; // context for driver, by Handle
INT8U Initialized; // is device initialized
INT8U RefCount; // reference count for driver
Prototypes for applications to use. These are the functions the code calls when it wants to use a driver. Each driver defines these functions.
HANDLE Open(char *pName, INT8U Flags);
INT8U Read(HANDLE H, PVOID pBuffer, INT32U* pLength);
INT8U Write(HANDLE H, PVOID pBuffer, INT32U* pLength);
INT8U Ioctl(HANDLE H, INT8U Control, PVOID pBuffer, INT32U* pLength);
Create the driver table. Only the Init functions need to be set. The Init functions will fill in the rest of the information themselves.
This table can be defined as a global to make it easy to access from anywhere in the code.
// Init Config, Context Initialized, RefCount
{ { Spi_Init, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { 0 }, NULL, FALSE, 0 },
{ { Mp3_Init, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL }, { 0 }, NULL, FALSE, 0 }
// add additional drivers here
Allocate a buffer to use in sending data to the MP3 driver.
#define MP3BUFFERSIZE 256
Initialize the driver sub-system. Called from your main startup task.
err = OSDRV_SubsysInit(DriverTable, DRIVER_COUNT);
Get handles to the SPI and MP3 drivers.
Tell the MP3 driver which SPI port driver to use.
length = sizeof(HANDLE);
err = Ioctl(hMp3, IOCTL_MP3_SET_SPI, &hSpi, &length);