========= drv_mp3.h ========= .. code-block:: c /* drv_mps.h LP2378 MP3-MOD driver header file This file contains the interface between the driver the application Paul Lever Dec. 2007 */ #ifndef __MP3_H__ #define __MP3_H__ //name of SPI device #define MP3_DRV0 "\\dev\\MP30" // define the control codes and data for this driver // set the SPI port handle and initialize device // input: HANDLE - open handle to SPI port or OS_DRV_INVALID_HANDLE to disable #define IOCTL_MP3_SET_SPI 1 // set for data output // input: INT32 0 - cmd mode, non-zero data mode #define IOCTL_MP3_SET_DATA_MODE 2 INT8U Mp3_Init(POSDRV_DISPATCH pDispatch, PVOID *ppContext, POSDRV_CONFIG pConfig); #endif //__MP3__