Supplement to Assignment 3: Dijkstra's Algorithm

Galaxy Map

Additionally, the following class declaration may be helpful for building a Galaxy route structure from input data.

class Reader {
  Reader(std::istream& in, Travel_Times* constraints);
  Galaxy* load();

  static const int MIN_LAYOVER_TIME;

  // Read next leg of ship's route
  bool get_record();

  // Verify that that current leg is a valid continuation of the
  // previous leg or the beginning of the route for another ship.
  bool validate();

  std::istream& in;

  // Data structure holding the travel times between planets.
  Travel_Times* constraints;

  // Input string representing a single leg.
  string current_input_line;

  // Previous leg information for validation.
  Ship_ID previous_ship_id;
  Planet* previous_destination_planet;
  int previous_arrival_time;

  // Current leg information
  Ship_ID ship_id;
  Planet* departure_planet;
  Time departure_time;
  Planet* destination_planet;
  Time arrival_time;

  // Planet name to planet object
  map<string, Planet*> planets;

  // Planet-name pair to edge object
  map<const Planet*, map<const Planet*, Edge*> > edges;

  // Ship name to id.
  map<string, Ship_ID> ships;

  // Route structure under construction.
  Galaxy* galaxy;