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Revised Specification for Program 2


Problem Statement


The goal of this program is to compress the memory space taken up by a document by using the Huffman encoding method. The process is roughly divided into the following phases:


1) Collecting the statistical data about a textual document in the input file:


The program must open the input file and read the textual document contained in the file a character at a time, storing the character, if it has not been already stored, in a binary search tree instance. Each tree node must store both a character symbol and the number of its occurrences for the document. For example, if a character is stored for the first time, the number of its occurrences is 1. If the character has been already stored in the binary tree, and the same character is encountered again, the program must update the number of its occurrences by incrementing it by 1.


The binary search tree mentioned above must be ordered by input characters read from the document so that updating the statistical data about each character is efficient it allows the program to find the tree node containing the character by utilizing the binary search method.


2) Initializing the HuffmanTree class instances with the statistical data stored in the binary search tree:

A HuffmanTree class instance is initially one-node binary tree. Each HuffmanTree class instance is initialized to store a character and the number of its occurrences. An initialized HuffmanTree class instance must be inserted into a heap we call it a Forest class instance in a manner ordered by the number of character occurrences.


3) Building one HuffmanTree class instance that integrates all other HuffmanTree instances in the forest:


After initialization, the Forest class instance becomes populated with one-node HuffmanTrees. These HuffmanTrees are sorted according to the number of character occurrences.


Combine the two HuffmanTrees with the lowest number as the left and right subtrees of a new HuffmanTree. Assign the sum of the two numbers as the number of occurrences for the root data of the new tree, but leave its character symbol empty.


Delete the two old HuffmanTrees from our Forest.


Insert the newly combined tree into the proper position of our Forest so that our Forest retains the heap properties.


Repeat the above steps until there is only one HuffmanTree instance left for our Forest.


Our Forest will eventually contain one HuffmanTree instance in which all relevant characters are located at its leaves.


4) Creating a table that contains all characters with their associated Huffman codes:


In order to create the table, our Forest traverses its HuffmanTree until it reaches at a leaf. Meanwhile, it records either 0 or 1, depending on the direction of the tree it is traversing. The resulting code is stored in our Table class instance, along with its associated ASCII character symbol. This process is repeated until all of the leaves are traversed.


The table elements are sorted according to the ASCII value of character symbols.


5) Browsing the input file for the second time and converting each character into its associated Huffman code using the table mentioned above as a reference:


Read a character at a time. Find the character in the table. If found, retrieve its associated Huffman code. Convert the string representation of the code into its binary equivalent.


6) Output the converted Huffman codes into a binary file a byte at a time.


7) Repeat the processes 5 and 6 until the end of file is encountered. If the encoding of the last character in the input file comes short of a byte, pack 0s for the remaining bits so that the last byte can be written to the output file.


Input Data


Two command lines that represent the input file name and the output file name. The command line arguments are passed into the programs main function. The input file is supposed to contain a document in the text format.


Output Data


Binary bits that represent the Huffman codes for all characters found in the input file. The program writes them into the designated output file. The output file must be in binary mode.


Error Handling


1) The program must check if the input file actually exists. If not, it must give an error message to that effect and exit the program.


2) The program must check if the output file actually exists. If not, it must create one with the designated file name. If it encounters a problem with opening the output file, then it must give an error message to that effect and exit the program.


3) The program must check the status of ifstream before reading the next character. It must clear the ifstream whenever the EOF status is suspected.


Test Plan



Expected Output


An empty file


The program does nothing in this case.

To see if the program handles an empty file.

A file containing a single character of a


The program generates the Huffman code of 0 for a single input and packs 0s to fill the remaining 7 bits.

To see if the program handles a file containing a single character.

A file containing a string of aa


The program generates the Huffman code of 0 for the character a. The program therefore converts the string aa into the Huffman code of 00 and packs 0s to fill the remaining 6 bits.

To see if the program handles a file containing a couple of the same character.

A file containing a string of a


The program generates the Huffman code of 0 for the first character a space, and the Huffman code of 1 for the second character a. The program therefore converts the string a into the Huffman code of 01 and packs 0s to fill the remaining 6 bits.


To see if the program handles a file containing two different characters.

A file containing a string of b ./cdeeVgaboa

ax*** 7

11111110 11111100

10011101 10110001

01010100 10110111

10011100 10010000

00110111 00000101

10110110 01011010

To see if the program handles a file containing a string of various characters, such as letter characters, non-letter characters, spaces and a newline character.


Class Definitions

UML Class Diagrams 1

UML Class Diagrams 2

Class Relationships

UML Class Relationship Diagram