CSS 434
Paper Review
Professor: Munehiro Fukuda
Group presentation dates: see the syllabus
0. Teamwork
Each paper review and presentation will be done by a team of two
students. Please choose a review topic from the following list of
reading assignments, and work with your partner on the assigned paper
review and in-class presentation.
1. Purpose
This reading assignment intends to have you experience the very
initial step of research activity, i.e., reading research papers.
Unlike reading textbooks, you are not supposed to memorize well-known
facts but expected to summarize the key idea of each paper you have
read and to discuss the contribution/drawback of the research
presented in the paper.
Each group is expected to pick up a notable research/commercial
project, to review one or more related papers, and to present the
group's understanding of the research project that has been chosen.
2. Reading Assignment
There are five research areas, each including several projects whose
accomplishment has been already published in research papers.
The following shows the list of possible papers and web pages you
should read. They are accessible from the web or retrieval from
cssmpi1h-12h.uwb.edu: /home/NETID/css434/papers/ through sftp:
A. Distributed Synchronization
A-1. Timewarp
Focus on optimistic synchronization
- David Jefferson, Brian Beckman, Fred Wieland, Leo Blume, Mike
DiLoret, Phil Hontalas, Pierre Laroche, Kathy Sturdevant, Jack Tupman,
Van Warren, John Wedel, Herb Younger, and Steve Bellonot, "Distributed
Simulation and the Time Warp Operating System" Technical Report, UCLA,
Agust, 1987 (available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
- Jefferson, D.R., "Virtual Time", ACM Transactions on Programming
Languages and Systems, Vol.7 No.3, 1985, pages 404-425 (available from
Focus on breathing time bucket (as compared to Timewarp)
- Jeff Steinman, "The Event Horizon", Technical Report, Jet
Propulsion Laboratory California Institute of Technology, JPL D-10029,
November 1992 (available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
- Jeff S. Steinman, "Discrete-event simulation and the event
horizon", ACM SIGSIM Simulation Digest, Vol.24 No.1, pages 39-49, July
(available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
A-3. Distributed Snapshots (Chandy and Lamport / Samadi and Mattern)
Compare the difference between two algorithms
- K. Chandy and L. Lamport, "Distributed Snapshots: Determining
Global States of Distributed Systems", ACM Transactions on Computer
Systems, Vol. 3, No. 1, February 1985, pages 63-75 (available from
- B. Samadi, Distributed Simulation, Algorithms and Performance
Analysis. PhD thesis, UCLA, 1985. (available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
- Mattern, F., "Efficient Algorithms for Distributed Snapshots and
Global Virtual Time Approximation", Journal of Parallel and
Distributed Computing, Vol.18, No.4, 1993, pages 425-434 (available
from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
B. Distributed Shared Memory / Cache
B-1. IvyFocus on centralized, fixed, and dynamic distributed managers
- Li, K. and Hudak, P., "Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual Memory
Systems", ACM Transactions on Computing Systems, Vol.7, No.4, 1989
pages 321-359 (available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
- George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, and Tim Kindberg, "Sequential
Consistency and Ivy", Section 18.3, In Book of Distributed Systems:
Concepts and Design, 4th Ed., Addison-Wesley, 2005, pages 763-771
(Our textbook. If you choose this topic, your review should be more
than the textbook's scope.)
B-2. Dash
Focus on physical architecture and cache coherence protocol
- D. Kenoski, J. Laudon, K. Gharachorloo, W. Weber, A. Gupt,
J. Hennessy, M. Horowitz, and M. Lam, "The
Stanford DASH multiprocessor", IEEE Computer, Vol.25 No.3, 1992,
pages 63-79
(available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
- Leonoski, D., Laudon, J., Joe, T., Nakahira, D., Steves, L.
Gupta, A., and Hennesy, J., "The DASH Prototype: Logic Overhead and
Performance", IEEE Transaction on Parallel and Distributed Systems,
Vol.4, No.1, 1993, pages 41-61
(available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
B-3. Java Cache
Compare Linda, JavaSpace, Hazelcast, and Oracle's Coherence JCache
- Gelernter, D. and Carriero, N., "Coordination Languages and Their
Significance", Communication of ACM, Vol.35 No.2, 1992, pages 97-107
(available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
- Carriero, N., and Gelernter, D., "Linda in Contex", Communication
of ACM, Vol.32, No.4, 1989 pages 444-458
(available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
Getting Started With JavaSpaces Technology: Beyond Conventional Distributed Programming Paradigms
JSR107 API and SPI 1.1.1 API - javax.cache
Hazelcast JCache
(You need to explain about Hazelcast, too.)
Oracle, "Ch 33. Introduction to Coherence JCache", in Coherence
B-4. Spark
Focus on resilient distributed dataset (RDD), transformations, actions, broadcast variables, and accumulators
Apache Spark - Unified Analytics Engine for Big Data
C. Distributed File Systems
C-1. Sun NFS
Focus on client caching, client-initiated invalidation, file locking, and open delegation
- Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen, "SUN Network File
System", Section 10.1, In Book of Distributed Systems: Principles and
Paradigms, Prentice Hall, 2002, pages 576-603 (available from
- George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, and Tim Kindberg, "Sun Network
File System", Section 8.3, In Book of Distributed Systems: Concepts
and Design, 4th Ed., Addison-Wesley, 2005, pages 337-349 (Our
textbook. If you choose this topic, your review should be more than
the textbook's scope.)
- Brian Pawlowski, Chet Juszczak, Peter Staubach, Carl Smith, Diane
Lebel, and David Hitz, "NFS Version 3 Design and Implementation",
USENIX Summer, 1994 (paper available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
C-2. AFS
Focus on session semantics, server-initiated invalidation, callback, and its implementation
- George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, and Tim Kindberg, "The Andrew
File Sytem", Section 8.4, In Book of Distributed Systems: Concepts and
Design, 4th Ed., Addison-Wesley, 2005, pages 349-358 (Our
textbook. If you choose this topic, your review should be more than
the textbook's scope.)
- John H Howard, "An Overview of the Andrew File System", in Winter
1988 USENIX Conference Proceedings, 1988 (paper available from
- M. L. Kazar, "Synchronization and Caching Issues in the Andrew
File System", In Proceedings of the USENIX Winter Technical
Conference, 1988.
(available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
C-3. PVFS: Parallel Virtual File System
Focus on IO nodes, file striping, MPI/IO, and cooperative cache
- OrangeFS (PVFS follower)
- Philip H. Carns, Walter B. Ligon, III, Robert B. Ross and Rajeev
Thakur, "PVFS: A Parallel File System for Linux Clusters," In Proc. of
the 4th Annual Linux Showcase and Conference, October 2000, pages 317--327
(paper available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
- In-Chul Hwang, Hojoong Kim, Hanjo Jung, Dong-Hwan Kim, Hojin Ghim,
Seung-Ryoul Maeng, and Jung-Wan Cho, "Design and Implementation of the
Cooperative Cache for PVFS", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Volume
3036/2004, pages 43 - 50 (available as /home/NETID/css434/papers/).
D. Replication and Fault Tolerance
D-1. Gossip
Focus on available copy protocol, gossip architecture, timestamp, queries, and updates
- George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, and Tim Kindberg, "The Gossip
Architecture", Section 18.4.1, In Book of Distributed Systems:
Concepts and Design, 5th Ed., Addison-Wesley, 2012, pages 783-792
(Our textbook. If you choose this topic, your review should be more
than the textbook's scope.)
- Randy Chow and Theodore Johnson, "Gossip Update Propagation",
Section 6.4.4, In Book of Distributed Operating Systems & Algorithms,
Addison-Wesley, 1998 pages 223-226 (available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
- Ladin, R., Liskov, B., Shrira, L., and Ghemawat, S.,
"Providing Availability Using Lazy Replication", ACM Transactions
on Computer Systems, Vol.10, No.4, 1992, pages 360-391
(available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
D-2. Coda
Focus on difference from AFS, client caching (with hoarding, emulation, reintegration), and server replication (with VSG)
- Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen, "The Coda File
System", Section 10.2, In Book of Distributed Systems: Principles and
Paradigms, Prentice Hall, 2002, pages 604-623 (available from
- George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, and Tim Kindberg, "The Coda
File System", Section 18.4.3, In Book of Distributed Systems: Concepts
and Design, 5th Ed., Addison-Wesley, 2012, pages 795-802 (Our
textbook. If you choose this topic, your review should be more than
the textbook's scope.)
- James J. Kistler and M. Satyanarayanan, "Disconnected Operation
in the Coda File System", In Milojicic, D., Douglis, F., and Wheeler,
R., editors, Mobility: Processes, Computers, and Agents, ACM Press,
1999, pages 293-305 (available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
D-3. GFS: Google File System or Hadoop
Focus on (the primary and 2ndary) name node(s), data nodes (for replication management, available reads and pipelined writes), their heartbeat communication, and failover mechanism in MapReduce
- Sanjay Ghemawat, Howard Gobioff, and Shun-Tak Leung,
"The Google File System", SOSP'03 October 19-22, 2003,
(available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
- Cast Study GFS: Evoluation on Fast-forward,
(available at ACM Queue
- Hadoop
D-4. JGroups (which is based on ISIS)
Focus on message-ordering features in ISIS and their implementation in JGroups
- JGroups
- Birman, K.P., "The Process Group Approach to Reliable Distributed
Computing" , Communication of ACM, Vol.36, No.12, 1993 pages 36-53
(available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
- Birman, K. and Joseph, T., "Exploiting Virtual Synchrony in
Distributed Systems", In Proceedings of 11th Symposium on Operating
System Principles, 1987 pages 123-138
(available from /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
E. Job Management in Grid/Cloud
E-1. Condor
Focus on class ad, components (such as schedd, matchmaker, startd, starter, and shadow) and their interaction, flocking, and master-worker
- http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor
Douglas Thain, Todd Tannenbaum, and Miron Livny,
"Condor and the Grid",
in Fran Berman, Anthony J.G. Hey, Geoffrey Fox, editors, Grid Computing:
Making The Global Infrastructure a Reality, John Wiley, 2003. ISBN: 0-470-85319-0
(available from both the above link and /home/NETID/css434/papers/)
Focus on components (RMs, NMs, AMs, and containers) and their interaction, memory/CPU allocation, and job scheduling policy
Apache Hadoop YARN
Decide one research/commercial project your group is interested in,
and reviews one or more readings related to the project. Some of them
may be research papers published through IEEE, ACM, or online through
their website, the others from a textbook section. Of importance is
investigating the research project well enough to present your
understanding in the class. If you are interested in any well-known
research project other than those listed above, you can investigate it
provided you receive an approval from the professor.
Sign up the topic you want to survey, by the end of the fourth
week. The readings will be assigned in a first-come-first-service
manner. Your presentation time slot will be scheduled depending on
which paper(s) you want to read. Review the papers timely and get
prepared for your presentation.
3. Presentation
Two through to four group presentations categorized in the same
research area will be scheduled on the same lecture day. Each group
has 20 minutes for a presentation followed by a Q-and-A session.
Get prepared for your presentation using PowerPoint. Send your
draft PPT to the professor by at least 48 hours before your acutal
presentation, so that the professor can give you some
feedback. Note that, if students fail to send their draft PPT file
to the professor by the deadline, the professor not only will discount
their survey work but also may disallow their in-class presentations.
The audience is expected to evaluate each group presentation
according to an evaluation sheet passed by the professor. This
sheet includes the following 10 criteria:
The depth of a speaker's understanding on the research project
Item 1 |
Did he/she well understand the paper he/she
reviewed? |
Item 2 |
Did he/she well summarized the main idea of papers? |
Item 3 |
Did he/she give clear answers to questions asked by
the audience? |
The depth of a speaker's critique for the paper(s)
Item 4 |
Did he/she properly point out the contribution of the
papers? |
Item 5 |
Did he/she mention about any drawbacks of the ideas
introduced in the papers? |
Item 6 |
Did he/she express his/her own opinions to improve
the quality of the papers, research, and projects he/she reviewed?
The quality of a reivewer's slides
Item 7 |
Did his/her slides help the audience understand the
paper(s)? |
Item 8 |
How about the number of slides, the amount of
contents on each slide, and the use of colors, different fonts, and
animation? |
The effectiveness of a reviewer's presentation
Item 9 |
Did you understand his/her speech? In other words,
did he/she well organize his/her presentation and do every effort to
let audience understand his/her presentation, (i.e., alternative or
additional explanations)? |
Item 10 |
Was his/her presentation interesting? In other words,
did he/she try to keep audience attracted to his/her
presentation? |
Each evaluation criterion will receive the following grade:
very good: |
10 |
good: |
9 |
fair: |
8 |
poor: |
7 |
very poor: |
6 |
The audience will fill out all criteria and turn in an evaluation
sheet to the professor upon the completion of each group
presentation. Based on audience evaluation, the professor will grade
each group presentation. Note that the audience evaluation is not 100%
reflected to the final grade of your presentation. The professor will
take into account all including your office visit to discuss about
your draft PPT, the quality of your final slides, your answer in a
question-and-answer session, etc. to grade your survey work.
4. Your Responsibility as Audience
You are responsible to fill out an evaluation sheet for each
presentation except your own. Give useful feedback to your classmates.
Your critique to the other students is also counted as a part of your
grade. Your absence or malicious evaluation will void your in-class
discussion (1%) following the student presentations on the same day.
If you must be absent from the class, you should watch the Panopto
video of speakers who gave their presentation you missed, understand
their paper review, and submit evaluation sheets to the professor by
the next day of your missing class.