XNACS1Lib: CSS490 Spring 2011
Classes and functions in the library.
Class | Description | |
XNACS1Base |
This is the base class for your program. To work with the XNACS1Lib, your main class must subclass
from this class.
XNACS1Base..::..World |
This this the class for setting, inquiring, and changing information corresponding
to the "World", including:
Coordinate System, Background color/texture, Clamping/colliding with the boundary, and removing
all primitives from the AutoDraw set.
XNACS1Circle |
A circle primitive.
XNACS1Particle |
A particle primitive, inherits from circle but draws using additive blending.
Used in particleEmitters as well.
XNACS1ParticleEmitter |
Inherits from XNACS1PrimitiveSet, allows a user to define behavior for a group of particles.
XNACS1ParticleEmitter..::..ExplodeEmitter |
Emits explosions when Explode() is called.
XNACS1ParticleEmitter..::..FireEmitter |
Emits a fire
XNACS1ParticleEmitter..::..TailEmitter |
Emits particles at the center of the emitter at a constant rate, which fade out according to InitialParticleLife.
If the emitter is moving around this will look like a tail. Works best if attached to other primitives.
XNACS1Primitive |
This is the base class for the behavior of Primitives (circle, rectangle, and primitive-set).
XNACS1PrimitiveSet |
XNACS1PrimitiveSet supports hiding/unhiding a collection of Primitives (Circle, or Rectangle).
XNACS1Rectangle |
A Rectangle primitive.
Enumeration | Description | |
BoundCollideStatus |
Enum data type for collision results between a Primitive and the world bound
Status returned by ClampAtWorldBound() and CollideWorldBound.
ParticleTravelMode |
Defines how particles with ShouldTravel==true will be displaced along their travel direction.
SpriteSheetAnimationMode |
Define SpriteSheet Animation