About Rome

Rome: the crossroads of Western histories

Western history keeps circling back to and through Rome. Its roots are our Western roots. Rome is a wedding cake of history, layer upon layer, that shares the same site on the Tiber as the modern city — a bustling place that almost seems like a disrespectful interloper on its own ancestral turf. No web site or guide book can get its arms around all of this voluptuous, tumultuous, gregarious, friendly, delicious city.

An amusing, somewhat irreverent place to start to explore Rome (this link skips past the antipolitical stuff at the top of the page).

The Program
The Participants
Rome Center Facilities
General Information
About Rome
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The University of Washington
Rome Center

Piazza del Biscione 95
Rome Italy 00816

telephone from usa
011 + 39 06 686-8807

from anywhere in Italy
06 686 8807