Fine Sediment Deposition in fish bearing streams

 /*Channel Response AML

/*There are three groups in this histogram:1 between -2 and -1.1, -1.1 and -0.2, and 0.69.

/*Therefore, use -0.1 for Unconfined, and -1.1 for Confined.

/*Fine Sediment and Fish

/*Using Channel Response Matrix Table E-2 pg. E-16

/*Assume streams with gradient < 4% are fish bearing

/*Set variables

/*NO Event = white (1)

/*Fine Sediment (FS) = blue(4)

/*Streams with Fish (F) = green(3)

/*Fine Sediment and Fish (FSF) = red(2)

&sv UC = -.1

&sv C = -1.1

/*flow_dir = flowdirection (dem_filled, gradient)

/*curvature = curvature(float(dem_filled))

SED = con(gradient < 1, con(curvature > %C% ,2,3),~

con(gradient < 2, con(curvature > %UC% ,2,3),~

con(gradient < 4,3,1)))

mape dem_filled

gridpaint SED


This map relates fine sediment deposition with fish bearing streams. The red areas represent

Fish bearing streams fine sediment deposition occurs, the green areas represent fish bearing

streams where course sediment occurs, the blue areas represent streams with gradients greater

then 4%, funny there do not seem to be any!

Deposition of fine sediment affects spawning fish, the green areas with course sediment deposition

are much better spawning environments.



1. This map was produces using ArcInfo GRID tools. The AML was developed with assistance

from Hakjun Rhee, Paul Reed, and Rachel Tyndall. Thanks
