Adjective Placement


        1. According to the respected mayor of the town, Juan was a former teacher in a public school.


        2. The famous actress was wearing (lucir) a magnificent pearl necklace and a red velvet dress.


        3. Among the tender words of farewell we noticed an occasional sarcastic phrase and a few menacing looks.

        4. The poor criminal was going to be hanged the following day at the old provincial prison.

        5. We stayed at a luxurious, expensive hotel in beautiful Acapulco. The bathroom fixtures were made of black African                  marble.

        6. His only daughter married a high government official.


        7. His charming home contained a strange mixture of modern Japanese electronic devices and French Impressionist                  paintings.

        8. He felt a deep sorrow when he learned that his favorite chicken had died.  For many years she had provided him with                  large white eggs.

        9. Our present-day educational system has serious economic and organizational problems.


     10. The new Italian film has won many important, prestigious awards.

     11. After Franco's death the municipal government of Madrid restored the old names of many streets.

     12. Pepe spent the best years of his life at a famous American university studying Spanish Romantic literature.


     13. Noam Chomsky gave a brilliant lecture on American foreign policy in the postwar period.

     14. The new professor came to his Spanish class wearing black Texas-style boots and a ridiculous white hat with red                  feathers.

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