Genome 562
If something you hope to see does not appear on these pages, try reloading them.
1/16/2019 A key data table was accidentally left off of the HW2
printout. A corrected copy is now up on the web site.
2/4/2019 Due to snow day, the Monday 2/4 lecture will be given on
Wednesday 2/6, and material from it WILL be on the midterm.
2/4/2019 Equation sheet for exam (will be attached to exam)
is available here for study.
2/14/2019 Midterm exam key is now available. If
you have any concerns about the grading, please raise them within the next week.
2/14/2019 Here is a new syllabus accounting for
the three snow days and giving readings for the second half of the term.
2/4/2019 Equation sheet for final (will be attached to exam)
is available here for study.