Take Home Exam #1 (graded for feedback, but doesn't affect your final grade) DUE Tuesday, October 23 at 3:30PM)

This test is an opportunity for you to show me how well you understand the Information Visualization and Visual Design principles that you've learned and your skill in applying that understanding to produce an effective visual. It's also a chance for you to apply the strategy of identfying and emulating the visual qualities of an existing well-designed presentation.

a. Download this file. You'll see three things:



existing graphics

3. PRELIMINARY DESIGNS that use the bus route information and arrange them in a way that is inspired by the model graphics.

screenshot of Illustrator file


a. Study the "reasonably well-designed info graphics". Look at how they use text (to label, annotate and add precision) and color (to encode, to highlight, to evoke, to set a tone). Look at how they create visual hierarchy. Feel free to talk with others about this to enhance your own understanding.

b. Do an analysis of the color and text like you did for the labs (e.g. make a series of rectangles for each color, make a *screenshot of the color wheel etc.) I've listed the principles you've learned and where you learned them in this file for your reference.

* When you make screenshots, paste them directly into Illustrator rather than saving them to a file and importing them (if you do that, when you upload only the Illustrator file, I can't see them - I get an error message saying the files are missing)

c. Write lots of notes with your observations (right there in your Illustrator file) - the more the better. I won't worry about grammar or presentation as long as I can understand them.

d. Based on what you've learned from a & b, modify the preliminary designs. Alter the colors and text styles to match how color and text styles are used in the models. Also make any other modifications you care to make - the goal being to do so in a way that is inspired by the models and is consistent with what you've learned about Information Design principles.

e. Write lots of notes about what modifications you've made and why you made them.

f. When you're finished, upload your Illustrator file here (the due date is next Tuesday, October 23 at 3:30 PM).


Here is what I'll look for:

Here are the guidelines I'll follow to assign grades (just for feedback- this won't apply toward your final grade in this course):