Exercise: Olympic Medals, Phase 13b - Comment my code

I've created some code that automates the process - making a slider that incorporates whatever dates are in the XML file (which means that if I substitute an XML file that includes 5 or 10 dates it would produce a slider to accommodate them all). I haven't made this code very robust - for example, I only look at the first country record in the XML file and assume that all of the dates are present and that they're in the correct order.

a. Rather than walk you through the process of creating this code yourself. I'm going to have you employ a strategy that I use when I'm looking at someone else's code and want to understand it - I'm going to have you insert comments. I've already indicated where to put comments and what type of comment I'm looking for (though feel free to add more). I've marked them like this: // ?

b. Save this file and upload it.

FINAL PRODUCT: Medals_13_commented.fla