" Annotated Passage form chapter 13"                                                         

        Just before day the party wore out. So Tea Cake hurried on back to his new wife. He had done found out how rich people feel and he had a fine guitar and twelve dollars left in his pocket and all he needed now was a great big old hug and kiss from Janie.
            “You musta thought yo’ wife was powerful ugly. Dem ugly women dat you paid two dollars not to come in, could get tuh de door. You never even ‘lowed me tuh git dat close.”(1) She pouted.
“Janie, Ah would have give Jacksonville wid Tampa for a jump-back for you to be dere wid me. Ah stated to come git yuh two three time.”
   “Well, how come yuh didn’t come git me?"(2)
       “Janie, would you have come if Ah did?”
       “Sho Ah would. Ah laks fun just as good as you do”
     “Janie, Ah wanted tuh, might much , but Ah was skeered .
 Too skeered Ah mightlose yuh.”
        “Dem wuzn’t no high muckty muchs. Dem wuz railroad hands and dey womenfolks. You ain’t usetuh folks lak dat and Ah wuz skeered you might git all mad and quit me for takin’ you mongst’em. But Ah wanted yuh wid me jus’de same. Befo’ us got married Ah made up mah mind not tuh let you see no commonness in me. When Ah git mad habits on, Ah’d go off and keep it out yo’ sight. ’Tain’t mah notion tuh drag you down wid me.”
       “Looka heah, Tea Cake, if you ever go off from me and have a good time lak dat and then come back heah tellin’ me how nice Ah is, Ah specks tuh kill yuh dead. You heah me?”(5)
        “So you aims tuh partake wid everything, hunh?”
        “Yeah, Tea Cake, don’t keer what it is.”
        “Dat’s all Ah wants tuh know. From now on you’se mah wife and mah woman and everything else in de world Ah needs.”(6)
        “Ah hope so.” 

with blue hat
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(1) Janie speaking out of the action of Tea Cake and telling for the first time to her husband what she feels.  Her action toward Tea Cake shows the care and the love that she is having.  In her previous marriages she did not do such thing because her marriages were without love.  When her marriage is full of love she has the care to keep this marriage by expressing her feeling which make things clear to protect the relationship.   top1

(2)In this sentence we see the care that Janie has for Tea Cake.  She wants to be with him all the time, and  she was mad because he left her alone.  Janie did not have this feelings before with her other husbands, but we found that she has it for Tea Cake.  That is a prove of the love between them.  top2

(3)Tea Cake is afraid that Janie sees the people that he hangs out with because they are among the lower class of  society.  He thought that Janie will change her love and her idea about him, that is why he did not take her with him.  top3  

(4)Janie is having a conservation with Tea Cake, her husband, that did not happen before with her other husbands.  She was only listening to them without having a dialog with them.  She could not express her feelings; she used to hold herself all the time.  With Tea Cake we found that she is freer in asking him and talking to him without holding herself of expressing her feelings.      top4

(5)In this passage, we found Janie telling Tea Cake a rule that he needs to fulfill, so they will be able to have a pleasant life.  By telling him that, we see the love that she has for him, that she really cares and loves him.  She is telling him that if he leaves her she will kill him because he is the one who safe her from her miserable life.  She does not want to loose him because he makes her life beautiful.   top5

(6) After what Janie said to Tea Cake, Tea Cake has realized how much Janie loves him.  She is threatens him if, he leaves her because the love that she has for him.  Tea Cake is telling Janie that she is everything for him to strengthen their marriage and their love relation.  By telling Janie that it looks like it is an agreement for Tea Cake that he will not leave her and he will love her for ever.    top6

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