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  Larch 498 Autumn 2002

Introduction to Environmental Psychology
Department of Landscape Architecture

  Essay Questions – Week 2

In these essays, I am particularly interested in your thoughts and reactions to the concepts and issues that are raised in the readings. It is an opportunity for you to reflect and process the material, and to develop your own view on these issues. Therefore, do not simply reiterate what is in the readings but describe your reactions to, and reflections on, the material.

Emotional Relationships to Place: Attachment and Identity

1. What is place attachment? Place identity? How are they similar? Distinct? How do you think peoples' emotional bonds to place affect their lives?

2. According to Cooper-Marcus, how can our environmental memories influence our current lives? Provide examples from the chapter and from your own life, if possible.

3. Describe Hester's community design process in Manteo. How did he incorporate notions of place attachment in his work? How did that impact the redevelopment project?

Note: Mid-Quarter Due Date: Thursday, November 7th

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