Ling 461: Make-up for Assignment 2

Students who did not receive full credit on exercise III of HW2 may do the following problem (the same as that exercise) for make-up credit. Note that it will be graded in the same way: 4 points for identifying two readings for each sentence (= 16) and 2 points for discussing how those readings are related to different structures (= 8), including which structure goes with which reading. Trees are not necessary, but may make your answers clearer. Grades for HW2 will reflect the higher of the two totals, so it's only worthwhile to do this make up if you do the whole thing.

Make up assignments are due by the beginning of class on Tuesday 2/10 and must be turned in together with the entire original HW2.

Make up exercise

The sentences below might be argued to be structurally ambiguous. Describe two separate meanings for each sentence, and discuss how they are related to distinct syntactic structures.
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