Ling 461: Assignment 6
- Chapter 5, exercise I: Draw trees according to the model
presented in 5.1-5.5 for each of these sentences. Indicate
which constituents are specifiers, which are complements, and
which are adjuncts/attributes. Provide one reason (either a
piece of evidence or a similarity to a sentence discussed in
the chapter) for each such assignment.
- Chapter 5, exercise II: Draw trees according to the
model presented in 5.1-5.5 for each of the italicized constituents.
For every adjunct or complement of an A, give one piece of evidence
for why you treated it that way.
- Chapter 5, exercise III, (1), (2), and (8). Which word
is the head of the italicized constituent in each of these examples?
What is the function of the other words? Provide one piece of
evidence to support your analysis of each case. [Example (8) will
be for extra credit only.]
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