Cattle Point critters.
Cattle Point critters. Katherina chiton.
Cattle Point critters. Leptasterias.
Cattle Point critters.
Cattle Point critters.
Cattle Point critters.
Cattle Point critters.
Cattle Point critters.
Second site: False Bay
The gang heading down to False Bay.
Exploring False Bay.
Exploring False Bay.
Exploring False Bay.
Lug worm burrow.
The lug worm!
The lug worm in action.
Third site: Argyle Creek. A unique site where a constant flow of salt water to and from a lagoon leads to some unique communities.
An unbelievable oyster bed.
Quite the find: a nudibranch jackpot! (Giant sea lemons, see Lisa's webpage on our class website)
More on sea lemons (with a sea mouse).
Underwater shot of sea lemons with egg masses.
A large and still elusive nudibranch (see Lisa's nudibranch page for more information).