Friday Harbor
May 4-6, 2007

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Cattle Point critters. Cattle Point critters. Katherina chiton. Cattle Point critters. Leptasterias. Cattle Point critters. Cattle Point critters. Cattle Point critters.
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Cattle Point critters. Cattle Point critters. Second site: False Bay The gang heading down to False Bay. Exploring False Bay. Exploring False Bay.
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Exploring False Bay. Lug worm burrow. The lug worm! The lug worm in action. Third site: Argyle Creek. A unique site where a constant flow of salt water to and from a lagoon leads to some unique communities. An unbelievable oyster bed.
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Quite the find: a nudibranch jackpot! (Giant sea lemons, see Lisa's webpage on our class website) More on sea lemons (with a sea mouse). Underwater shot of sea lemons with egg masses. A large and still elusive nudibranch (see Lisa's nudibranch page for more information).