Natural History
Belonging to the phylum Porifera, sponges are the earliest branch in the history of animals (kingdom anamalia). By being the first branch, this means that these are the simplest organisms
in the land of the animals. There are approximately 5,000 species that have been classified today! An interesting fact about sponges is that they have no mouth! Well, "how on Earth do they EAT?",
you may ask. There are tiny pores in their outer walls where water can be drawn through them. The individual cells filter food in the water with flagella (spinning tail like objects to the cell).
One cell cannot do all of this work - so the sponge has "intelligently designed" themselves (yes, normal people say "evolution") to put all of their cells to work to help the organism feed!
The spicules on the sponges are made of silicate or calcium carbonate and organic fibers. Their "skeletons" (I air quote because there is not exo- or endo-skeleton...) are completely
fibrous material. There are three types of sponges found, and this helps to classify them. The three types are:
Hexactinellida (Glass like, made of silica spicules)
Demospongia (90% of species belong here, all freshwater ones included, no silica in spicules)
Calcarea (sponges that are mostly made with calcium carbonate)
Please enjoy the pictures below (scroll over pictures to see where they were found)!
Please visit the Marine Ecology class homepage to see the rest of our animals!
Porifera seen in class:
Suberites montiniger - (Possibly??)Peach Ball Sponge (Demosponge)
Syringella amphispicula - Tough Yellow Branching Sponge (Demosponge)
Sycon spp. - (Possibly??) Tiny Vase Sponge (broken by troll - Calcareous)
Halichondria bowerbankia - Bowerbank's Crumb of Bread Sponge (Demosponge)
Suberites domuncula forma latus - Hermit Crab Sponge (Demosponge)
Haliclona permollis - Purple Intertidal Encrusting Sponge (Demosponge)
Halichondria panicea - Yellow-Green Encrusting Sponge (the yellow version - Demosponge)
Halichondria panicea - Yellow-Green Encrusting Sponge (the green version - Demosponge)
Aplysilla sp. - Slippery Rose Sponge (Demosponge)
Chelonaplysilla polyraphis - Slippery Purple Sponge (Demosponge)
Porifera not seen in class but still worth mentioning!:
Hymenamphiastra cyanocrypta - Deep Blue Sponge (Demosponge) (taken from:
Neoesperiopsis rigida - Orange Finger Sponge (Demosponge) (taken from:
Heterochone calyx - Fingered Goblet Sponge (Siliceous) (taken from:
Aphrocallistes vastus - Cloud Sponge (Siliceous) (taken from: