Ocean 101 Frequently Asked Questions Autumn 2006

Q: I am enrolled in the Ocean 101 online class; I am confused what is expected of me in the upcoming quarter.  I have reviewed the class website, and purchased the required text, but am still lost on what I am supposed to be studying, and where I am supposed to be studying it.
A: Read the texts & ERES readings as indicated on the syllabus. Download & read the lectures, download & listen to the audio. Try not to fall too far behind. Read the Log and Epost for announcements & questions. When the Study Guide is posted before the exam, download it & use it to prepare for the test. Come to lecture if you like (there are ususally empty seats), or see whether there is room in a discussion section.
Q: I am looking into your internet course and i need to know how different that class is compared to the lecture section. I think it would be a lot more convenient for me and i just wanted to know what your thoughts are on what i should do. I have no idea what to expect from an internet course... so if you could just let me know that would be great.
A: Internet class meets only for the 4 scheduled exams (see syllabus).
You download the ERES supplemental readings from the internet via the course web page, same as the A section.
You view and download the lectures online and follow the class progress via the online "Ship's Log" daily diary.
You listen to the podcasts of the lectures posted via the link on the web page.
You submit assignments electronically via WebQ or Esubmit and view your grades posted online.
You download the pre-exam study guide from a link on the Lectures Page.
You use EPost
and email to stay in touch with me and the TA and other students.
You come to the lecture if you want to and there are seats.
You try to form study groups with other people in the course.

For most students, the internet class is not an easier way to take the class. It takes better discipline to keep up with the material and to earn the same grade compared to the lecture class.
Q: I am still a little confused as to when the internet class is supposed to come to class. Will the online class be meeting every Friday? If you could please explain this to me that would be terrific.
A: The only required meetings are the exams on scheduled Fridays and the Saturday final. The other Fridays are instructor office hours for review & discussion. (TA's have separately scheduled office hours--see the link.) The homework is posted and handed in electronically. 
Q: I just found your Ocean101 class and it looks really awesome, but I've never done an internet class before, and I'm a little wary of keeping on the ball for the class. My concerns with the class are more so in the realm of your availability to questions about what we are covering, and if we are able to meet with you regarding what is being covered.
A: I understand your concern about "staying on the ball," but I think there will be room in the lectures if you want to stay in touch. Use the online "bulletin board" (EPost) for questions in addition to email.  There are also TA's assigned to the internet class, and they can respond to Epost and email, and meet with students, either during the scheduled office hours for Section B or by appointment.
Q: I was wondering how much of a difference there was between your lecture class and your online class. Some friends who took your class said that you give you really good pre-test study guides. Are these still sent to us or available to us for the online class?
A: The lecture (section A) and online (B) sections will be identical. I give out study guides and I post them online along with the readings, other assignments, lectures, and daily diary. There should be empty seats in the lecture most days, too.
Q:  I want to enroll in your Internet Section but I have a class during the exam times on Fridays. Could I take the exams with the A section?
A:  In this case you should enroll in the A section. The A section may be full, so there may not be a seat for you as a Section B student at the Section A exams. There should be seats in lecture, especially later in the quarter.
Q: When I try to register for section B, it says it overlaps with my other class which meets Fridays. Since this is going to be internet section, it shouldn't matter right?
A: It does matter because you need to take the exams in person on certain Fridays at 2:30. This cyberclass cannot completely eliminate the problem of time conflicts because you still need to take the exams in person at a specified place and time.
Q: Do you know how I can sign up for the B section, do I need an add code or something? I tried to add your class on myUW, but I was not able to because of the time conflict.
A: An add code will not help. The computer will not let you register a conflict. According the the Student Services Specialist in Oceanography, "If anyone has a course conflict of less than an hour a week, you can go to the Registration Office in Schmitz Hall, fill out a form and the registration assistant will enroll you in both courses.  Instructor permission is not needed.  If the conflict is more than an hour per week, then you will need instructor signatures."
Revised  9/23/06