Assignment 3 Section B (15 points) updated 6 PM 10/24/06

Instructions: Study this page before logging into WebQ to submit your assignment. You will need to log in with your UW NetID. Please also be ready to enter your last name and the section in which you are registered (BA, BB, BC, BD) to help the TA's sort the results.

If necessary, you will need to keep this page open in your browser as you work on WebQ in order to refer to the graphics in certain questions. There is no time limit on working online for this assignment, other than the deadline for submitting your finished work. You will be able to save draft work and return to it later, or return to a submitted assignment and revise it, as long as you do so by the deadline.

We strongly recommend that you
compose your answers to this assignment on a word processor and save your document, then copy & paste the answers into the online WebQ page. That way you will have more time to consider your answers, you can compose mathmatical expressions more easily, and you will have a backup in case there are any problems with electronic submission. We also urge to to start working well before the deadline so that you have time to find solutions to any problems that may arise.

Academic Honesty Statement: We encourage students to work together. However, please submit short-answer questions in your own words so that we have some indication that you did not just copy another student's work. We will deny credit to all students whose descriptive answers appear to be substantially similar or identical.

Deadline: Tuesday, October 24    Wednesday, October 25   Thursday, October 26, 2006, 11 PM

Cape Hatteras

(1.5 pts.) Figure 1 is a bathymetric map of the "Outer Banks" and Cape Hatteras along the coast of North Carolina (stippling indicates sand; white is water; solid lines offshore are isobaths). The natural sediment composition of the Outer Banks is nearly 100% sand, and the Banks connect to the mainland at their far northern and southern ends. Use this chart and your knowledge of coastal processes to answer the questions below.
1.    What scientific name for a type of coastal feature best applies to the Outer Banks? (0.5 pts.)
2.    What scientific name for a type of coastal feature best applies to Cape Hatteras? (0.5 pts.)
3.    From which predominant compass direction is sediment delivered to Cape Hatteras by longshore transport? How can you tell? (0.5 pts.)

(7.5 pts.) Answer the questions below to indicate the differing wave and sediment environments along the shoreline in the general areas indicated by the letters A, B, & C on Figure 1. Be sure to include references to the roles refraction, diffraction, and/or reflection in your descriptions. More than one of these processes may occur at any of the locations.
4.    Which location has the highest wave energy? (0.25 pt.)
5.    What are the dominant process(es) responsible for the high wave energy at this location? (0.5 pt.)
6.    Is the grain size at this high-energy location coarse, medium, or fine? (0.25 pt.)
7.    Explain how the high wave energy accounts for the sediment grain size at this location. (0.5 pt.)
8.    Is the beach at this high-energy location more likely to experience erosion or deposition? (0.25 pt.)
9.    Explain how the high wave energy accounts for the likelihood of shoreline erosion or deposition at this location. (0.75 pt.)
10.    Which location has moderate wave energy? (0.25 pt.)
11.    What are the dominant process(es) responsible for the moderate wave energy at this location? (0.5 pt.)
12.    Is the grain size at this moderate-energy location coarse, medium, or fine? (0.25 pt.)
13.    Explain how the moderate wave energy accounts for the sediment grain size at this location. (0.5 pt.)
14.    Is the beach at this moderate-energy location more likely to experience erosion or deposition? (0.25 pt.)
15.    Explain how the moderate wave energy accounts for the likelihood of shoreline erosion or deposition at this location. (0.75 pt.)
16.    Which location has the lowest wave energy? (0.25 pt.)
17.    What are the dominant process(es) responsible for the low wave energy at this location? (0.5 pt.)
18.    Is the grain size at this low-energy location coarse, medium, or fine? (0.25 pt.)
19.    Explain how the low wave energy accounts for the sediment grain size at this location. (0.5 pt.)
20.    Is the beach at this low-energy location more likely to experience erosion or deposition? (0.25 pt.)
21.    Explain how the low wave energy accounts for the likelihood of shoreline erosion or deposition at this location. (0.75 pt.)

(6 pts.) A friend intends to make several improvements to the beach next to her lovely little beach cottage located near Point A on Figure 1. She asks you, an outstanding Ocean 101 student, for advice about how to proceed. Choose which type of structure (groin, seawall, or breakwater) would typically be built to serve each of the needs your friend expresses. Then explain to your friend how each of those structures operates and how it would affect the natural beach.
22.    If your friend wants to make the beach wider, which type of structure would she build? (0.25 pt.)
23.    Explain how this type of structure is intended to alter shoreline processes to achieve your friend’s goal. (0.5 pt.)
24.    Briefly identify any side-effects of this type of structure on the natural beach. (0.5 pt.)
25.    Explain the processes causing the side-effects of this type of structure on the natural beach (0.75 pt.)
26.    If your friend wants to protect her home from erosion due to from storm waves, which type of structure would she build? (0.25 pt.)
27.    Explain how this type of structure is intended to alter shoreline processes to achieve your friend’s goal. (0.5 pt.)
28.    Briefly identify any side-effects of this type of structure on the natural beach. (0.5 pt.)
29.    Explain the processes causing the side-effects of this type of structure on the natural beach (0.75 pt.)
30.    If your friend wants to create a quiet area of water to moor her boat, which type of structure would she build? (0.25 pt.)
31.    Explain how this type of structure is intended to alter shoreline processes to achieve your friend’s goal. (0.5 pt.)
32.    Briefly identify any side-effects of this type of structure on the natural beach. (0.5 pt.)
33.    Explain the processes causing the side-effects of this type of structure on the natural beach (0.75 pt.)