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Oceanography 200, Spring 2008
Introduction to Oceanography Frequently Asked Questions
What should I do if I don't understand something covered in the text book or discussed in class? Answer: We provide a number of avenues to help you understand course material. We really want you all to understand how the oceans work! The Teaching Assistants will hold weekly study sessions. Part of the session will be dedicated to reviewing course material and part of the session will be open so you can ask your own questions. Richard Strickland will also hold office hours. If your questions were not addressed with either of these two avenues, you can email the TAs. The TAs will not respond directly to your questions, but will instead post answers to the commonly asked questions on the Ocean 200 web site under the Frequently Asked Questions section. Question: What happens if I miss class? Will the lectures be posted on the web? Answer: We expect all students to attend class. This will increase your understanding of the material. There will be class activities and material presented in class that are not directly covered in the text book. Lectures will not be posted on the web, although images or short movies shown in class will generally be posted. If for some reason you have to miss class, you can discuss what you missed with your TA. We encourage all of you to attend the study sessions. Question: What happens if my assignment is late or I need to miss an exam because of a prior commitment? Answer: No points will be given for assignments turned in late. No points will be given for a missed exam. Question: What happens if my assignment is late or I miss an exam because of illness or a family emergency? Answer: A note from a medical doctor is required if illness or a family emergency due to medical reasons prevents you from turning in an assignment on time or taking an exam. Other personal emergencies that are not of a medical nature will be considered on a case by case basis. All rescheduling of missed work must be approved by the instructors. Question: What happens if I am a student athlete and my game schedule requires that I miss an exam or an assignment deadline? Answer: At the beginning of the quarter, you must provide the instructors with the Student Athlete Travel Notification form (supplied by the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics) indicating dates you will miss. We will discuss how you can fulfill the requirements. Question: What happens if I have a disability that requires an accommodation so that I can get the most out of class? Answer: To request academic accommodations because of a disability, please contact the Disability Resources for Student (DRS),, 448 Schmitz Hall, 206-543-8924. Please present a letter at the start of the quarter to the instructors so we can provide appropriate accommodations. Question: What happens if I do not agree with the grade I received on an assignment? Answer: All assignments are carefully graded to ensure fairness and uniformity. If you do not agree with the grade you received on an assignment, you can notify your TA, but be warned, the TA will re-grade the entire assignment. Their decision about your score is final. |
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