Physics 226

Particles and Symmetries

Spring 2015

Click on images for more info
Atlas detector at LHC
Instructor: Laurence G. Yaffe (PAB 404,
Office hours: 10:30-11:30 Wed and Fri, or by arrangement
TAs: John Lombard (PAB 422,
Ethan Muldoon (PAB 243,
Lectures: 9:30-10:20pm MWF, room PAA 118
Help sessions: 5-6pm Mondays (PAB 109) and Tuesdays (PAB 101)
Course website:
Catalyst workspace:
Clicker registration:
Higgs discovery plot

Particle Physics in the News

Simulated black hole production
    in the Atlas detector at LHC


    This course provides an introduction to the fundamental constituents of matter and the symmetries which characterize their interactions. Topics include fundamental symmetries of nature (such as Lorentz invariance, CPT, and baryon and lepton number conservation), the "building blocks" of the current Standard Model of nuclear and particle physics: quarks, gluons and leptons, the importance of symmetries in characterizing the interactions of particles, and key experimental evidence on which the Standard Model is based.
AMS experiment

Cosmic positron fraction

Course objectives

    Like most physics courses, overall objectives of this course are two-fold: acquire knowledge about physical aspects of the universe we live in, and learn to quantitatively analyze physical problems. More specifically, students will acquire practical facility with special relativity and its application to relativistic particle dynamics. They will learn how to recognize various classes of elementary particles and predict the type of interactions responsible for their decays and scatterings. They will practice performing order-of-magnitude estimates relevant for interpreting and/or judging the feasibility of a variety of modern physics experiments.

    The course covers material from several different, but related, subject areas. The primary reference is the course notes, accessible below. Students will be expected to master the material in these notes. Carefully studying these notes, including the worked examples at the end of chapters, is essential for success in this class. Read the assigned portions of the notes before class and come prepared to ask questions about any portions which were confusing. There are no other required textbooks, only recommended supplemental texts.

    While some homework problems will be typical textbook style problems, focusing on a single concept, many homework problems will focus on analyzing interesting but unfamiliar physical systems using the principles and techniques discussed in this course (and its prerequisites). Every homework assignment should be viewed as providing examples of (often requested) practice exam problems.
Inside the Super-Kamiokande neutrino detector

Approximate syllabus

    Week 1: Special relativity
    Week 2: Spacetime physics
    Week 3: Relativistic dynamics
    Week 4: Known particles and interactions
    Week 5: Quarks and mesons
    Week 6: Baryons
    Week 7: Symmetries
    Week 8: Isospin
    Week 9: Discrete symmetries
    Week 10: Force carriers and the standard model
Event with large missing
    (unobserved) energy from the Dzero experiment at Fermilab

Course notes

Muon neutrino event at Super-Kamiokande


Atlas detector schematic Inner tracking layers in CMS detector at LHC


    Prior successful completion of Phys 121/122/123 (Introductory Physics), Phys 225 (Quantum I) and Phys 227 (Elementary Mathematical Physics I) is required.

    Ability to use material covered in these prerequisite courses is assumed. In particular, it is expected that students entering Phys 226 will have a basic working knowledge of quantum mechanics (including bras and kets, quantum time evolution, observables and expectation values, spin-1/2 and related two-state systems, quantized angular momentum). Facility with complex variables and complex arithmetic, trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, linear transformations on vectors (including infinite dimensional vector spaces), eigenvalues and eigenvectors is assumed.

    For in-class use, students must have an H-ITT radio-frequency clicker, available new from the UBookstore, or sometimes used from sellers on Amazon or Ebay. Be sure to get the RF version: model TX3100 or TX3200.

Candidate double Z-boson event
    from the CDF experiment at Fermilab

Useful Resources

LIGO gravitational wave
    experiment in Hanford, Washington Accelerator module at the TESLA
    test facility developed for the proposed International Linear Collider

Reading Assignments

    Read prior to the indicated days (subject to change).
    Days Course notes
    Mar 30-Apr 1 chapters 0 & 1, appendix A
    Apr 3-8 chapter 2
    Apr 10-15 chapter 3
    Apr 20-22 chapter 4
    Apr 24-May 1 chapter 5, appendix B
    May 4-8 more chapter 5, & midterm
    May 11-15 finish chapter 5
    May 18-22 chapter 6
    May 25 Memorial Day holiday
    May 27-29 finish chapter 6, start chapter 7
    Jun 1-5 chapter 7
Superconducting RF cavity
    developed for the proposed International Linear Collider

Homework Assignments

Au+Au relativistic heavy ion collision
    observed by the STAR detector at RHIC


    Exams will be closed book, closed notes, but a summary sheet will be provided.
  • Midterm: Friday May 8, 9:30-10:20am, in A118
  • midterm summary sheet.
  • Final: Wednesday June 10, 8:30-10:20am, in A118
  • final summary sheet.