There will be weekly homework assignments, one midterm,
and a final exam.
There will also be frequent clicker quizzes during lecture,
designed to encourge you to do the assigned reading before class.
Grades will be based approximately 30% on homework,
10% on quizzes, 20% on the midterm, and 40% on the final.
The final is a required part of the class.
Homework must be turned in (either in class, or under Prof. Yaffe's office door)
by the end of class on the due date, typically a Wednesday.
Late homework will be accepted with a 50% discount in points if
turned in by the end of class on the class-day following the original due date.
(This option cannot be applied to part of an assignment; late submissions will
be accepted only when no part of the assignment was turned in on time.)
To make grading as efficient and error-free as possible, homework assignments
must be submitted on clean 8.5x11 inch paper, stapled in the upper
left-hand corner. Writing must be easily legible.
Illegible work, or submissions on off-size
or ragged-edge paper torn from a spiral notebook,
will receive no credit.
Scores on quizzes, homework assignments, and the midterm exam may be seen
on the Catalyst