Visit Summary 2 (Modules 2 & 3)


Visit Summary Submission Link

PDF of submission form for notes only: Summary Form 2

  • Due Wednesday of the 3rd week.
  • You will receive feedback from another palliative care track student and give feedback to another palliative care track student, due the 4th Monday.

A major goal of the Palliative Care Clerkship is for you to critically assess clinicians delivering palliative care to patients and families. In particular for you to pay close attention to:

  • What behaviors did the clinician use during the visit?
  • How well did these behaviors solicit the patient and family story (expressed values and goals)?
  • How did these behaviors affect the patient/family/clinician/you as an observer?
  • How these behaviors promoted or inhibited the integration of palliative care into the patient’s and family’s care.
  • How the patient’s and family’s behavior promoted or inhibited the integration of palliative care into the care plan?
  • Developing the skill of summarizing the patient/family story (expressed values and goals).
  • Discussing with your preceptors what occurs during clinical encounters.
  • Providing feedback to your preceptor on the encounter.

For Visit Summary 2:

-You will give feedback to another Palliative Care track student.

-You will receive feedback from another Palliative Care track student.


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