PHYS 321, Winter 2006
Electromagnetism I - Electrostatics

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Homework set 1 - due Jan 13

1.46 - Delta functions
1.49 (a) - Div and curl of specific functions
1.53 - Check divergence theorem for a particular example in spherical polars
1.55 - Check Stokes theorem in Cartesians
1.60 (a),(b),(c) - Derive various integral theorems
1.62 - Div and curl of spherically symmetric power law vector field

Examples class week 2

1.49 (b) - Div and curl of specific functions
1.56 - Check Stokes theorem fora particular example in spherical polars
1.60 (d),(e) - Derive various integral theorems
1.61 Vector area

Bonus questions

Last modified: 12/23/2005 7:54 PM