PHYS 321, Winter 2006
Electromagnetism I - Electrostatics

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Homework set 2 - due Jan 20

2.2 - Field above midpoint between two charges
2.6 - Field above center of charged circular disk
2.15 - Field throughout a charged shperical shell
2.18 - Field in overlapping charged spheres
2.26 - Potential difference between top and bottom of charge cone
2.43 - Force between two hemispheres of a charged sphere

Examples class week 3

2.4 - Field on axis of square loop
2.14 - Field inside a nonuniformly charged sphere
2.16 - Field of infinite plane slab
2.44 - Potential difference across hemispherical bowl

Bonus questions

B2.1 - 2.7 and 2.8, Field of spherical shell by direct integration
B2.2 - 2.47, Equipotentials of a line dipole
B2.3 - Find the electric field everywhere due to a line charge of finite length

Last modified: 12/23/2005 7:53 PM