PHYS 321, Winter 2006
Electromagnetism I - Electrostatics

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Homework set 3 - due Jan 27

2.27 - Potential inside a solid charged cylinder
2.30 - Boundary conditions
2.32 - Energy stored in uniformly charged solid sphere
2.34 - Energy of concentric oppositely charged shells
2.46 - Yukawa potential
2.36 - Two spherical cavities inside a conducting sphere

Bonus questions

B3.1 - 2.49, Electrostatics if Coulomb's law is modified
B3.2 - The Green's function of the lapacian operator (-del2) is G(r-r') = 1/(4*pi*|r-r'|). Find the Green's function of (-del2+k2), where k is a constant.
B3.3 - A nucleus has charge Ze and radius R = (1.2 fm)/A1/3, where A is the atomic weight. Estimate the electrostatic energy released when a uranium nucleus (Z = 92, A = 238) splits into two equal nuclei.

Examples class week 4

2.33 - Energy stored in a uniformly charged solid sphere
2.35 - Potential and charge inside a metal shell
2.48 - Derive the equation for space-charge limited cathode rays

Last modified: 1/27/2006 5:30 PM