PHYS 321, Winter 2006
Electromagnetism I - Electrostatics

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Homework set 8 - due March 3

3.40 - Multipole terms for different patterns of charge along a line
3.41 - Average field inside a sphere with given dipole moment
4.8 - Interaction energy between two dipoles
4.9 - Force between dipole and point charge
4.11 - Bar electret
4.17 - Sketch P,E and D for the bar electret
4.13- Fields inside and outside a long dielectric cylinder

Bonus question

B8.1 - Derive the Langevin-Debye result for the polarizability of a molecule, a = ainduced + p02/3kT, specifiying the conditions for validity.  Show that it is typically valid at room temperature for achievable electric fields.

Examples class week 9

4.10 - Find the bound charges and field for a spherically polarized sphere
4.15 - Find bound charge, P, E and D for a spherical shell with frozen-in polarization
3.38 - Multipole expansion for a uniform finite line charge

Last modified: 2/27/2006 5:17 PM