PHYS 321, Winter 2006
Electromagnetism I - Electrostatics

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Homework set 9 - due March 10

4.19 - Parallel plate capacitor half filled with dielectric
4.24 - Conducting sphere coated with a dielectric in an external uniform field
4.26 - Calculate the energy stored for the dielectric-coated conducting sphere
4.32 - Metal sphere part-embedded in a dielectric
4.28 - Rise of a dielectric liquid in a coaxial tube

Bonus question

B9.1 - 4.25, Image charge solution with two dielectrics

Examples class week 10

4.18 - Parallel plate capacitor filled with two dielectric layers
4.20 - Dielectric sphere containing a uniform free charge density
4.27 - Energy of uniformly polarized sphere

Last modified: 2/03/2006 5:09 PM