dear students: Report 2 is due next week! To clarify what you must do (sorry for any earlier ambiguity): 1. Everyone gives a brief (15 min max) presentation in class describing what you learned. *** You do NOT need to submit a formal paper, BUT you should prepare informal notes to supplement your presentation (can be a simple text file, or notes inside a ppt file). The idea is to give an idea of what you will say in your presentation, beyond bullets in the slides. 2. email me: (1)your slides (pdf or ppt or equivalent - ppt if notes included) (2) your supplementary notes (if not embedded in your ppt file; pdf or doc or txt file preferred) *** Slides and notes MUST be sent before 6 pm on night your presentation is scheduled. 3. We need to assign time slots over the 2 nights next week. pls email me ASAP indicating if you will go next Tuesday night (3/12). WARNING: If too few people volunteer, I’ll have to arbitrarily assign… only 3 volunteers so far! Even better: If you can go on Thursday this week (3/7) – tell me! (it will relieve time pressure next week – people never finish in 15 min…) 4. Next week on Thursday 3/14 after class, i will post the multiple choice take-home exam on our website, along with a URL for submitting your answers. The exam will include only material covered in class, and will be more qualitative than computational (meaning: don’t worry too much!). Answers must be submitted BEFORE 5PM on Monday 3/18.