PHYS 536 A/B, Winter 2023,  J. Wilkes

Syllabus and Calendar

last update: 1/30/2022
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Any in-person sessions may also be attended on zoom.

Topics may be rearranged or revised - due dates will not!


    K: Fundamentals of Acoustics, 3rd Edition, by Lawrence E. Kinsler, Austin R. Frey, Alan B. Coppens, James V. Sanders; Wiley, 2000
    H: Why you hear what you hear, Eric J. Heller, Princeton University Press, 2013, ISBN: 978-0691148595

Session date Day Readings:  K=Kinsler, H=Heller  Topic
1 3-Jan Tue K ch. 1 H: Ch. 1, 2 Course intro, acoustics topics, overview of wave properties; pulses, transverse and longitudinal waves, overview of sound speeds
2 5-Jan Thu K ch. 1 H: Ch. 9, 10 harmonic oscillators: simple, damped, driven; complex exponential solutions, electrical circuit analogy, resonance, Q factor
3 10-Jan Tue K ch. 1 H: Ch. 3 Fourier methods: Fourier series, integrals, Fourier transforms, discrete FTs, sampling and aliasing
4 12-Jan Thu K. chs 10 H: Ch. 4, 11 Frequencies and aliasing; convolution and correlation; discrete convolution; digital filtering, optimal filters, FIR filters, noise spectra; power spectra.  REPORT 1 PROPOSED TOPIC  DUE
5 17-Jan Tue K. ch. 2, 3, 4 H: Ch. 13, 15 Waves in strings, bars and membranes
6 19-Jan Thu K. Ch. 5, 6 H: Ch. 1 Acoustic wave equation; speed of sound; Harmonic plane waves, intensity, impedance.
7 24-Jan Tue K. Ch. 5
H: Ch. 2
Spherical waves; Eikonal equation and ray tracing; transmission and reflection at interfaces;
8 26-Jan Thu K: Ch. 7
H: Ch. 7
Absorption losses; Pulsating spheres and simple sources;  pistons and dipoles; Near field, far field; Radiation impedance; Waves in pipes
9 31-Jan Tue K. Ch. 8-10 H: Ch. 13 Rectangular cavities; Helmholtz resonators; Resonant bubbles; Acoustic impedance; physical acoustic filters; Doppler effect; Interference effects 
10 2-Feb Thu K. Ch 9
H: Chs. 23-25
Musical acoustics: pitch, musical tones and frequency; timbre; beats
11 7-Feb Tue
H: Chs. 16, 18
Musical instruments: winds and string instruments
12 9-Feb Thu
H: Chs. 17, 19
Musical instruments: piano, human voice
13 14-Feb Tue K. Ch. 11 H: Ch. 21
Human hearing: the inner ear; pitch perception; acoustics of speech
14 16-Feb Thu K. Ch. 12  H: Chs. 21-22 Decibels and sound level measurements
Environmental acoustics and noise criteria; industrial and community noise regulations; noise mitigation;
15 21-Feb Tue K. Chs. 13-14  H: Chs. 27-28; Ch. 6
Room acoustics; Transducers for use in air and water: Microphones and loudspeakers; hydrophones and pingers;
Underwater acoustics: sound absorption underwater, the sonar equation
16 23-Feb Thu K. Ch 15    Underwater acoustics applications: acoustical positioning, seafloor imaging, sub-bottom profiling; 
Course wrap-up: review
17 28-Feb Tue       Student report 2 presentations
18 2-Mar Thu     Student report 2 presentations
19 7-Mar Tue     Student report 2 presentations
20 9-Mar Thu     Student report 2 presentations. TAKE-HOME FINAL EXAM ISSUED
-- 17-Mar Fri     FINAL EXAM ANSWERS DUE by 5 PM