Plant Microbiology Lab ESRM 404
M/W/F 9:30-11:20 AM; 5 credits
The Plant Microbiology Lab offers students an opportunity to gain valuable knowledge in basic microbiology skills including isolating microbes from within plants, characterizing endophytes for potentially symbiotic traits, inoculating plants and assessing growth and health impacts. Basic molecular biology skills will also be taught as the students identify some of the microorganisms by PCR and sequencing of rDNA genes.
Professor Sharon Doty (
Strongly recommended courses:
Winter quarter: SEFS 522 Plant Microbiology Seminar
Autumn quarter: ESRM325 Environmental Applications of Plants: Bioenergy and Bioremediation
Evaluation and Grading: Participation in each lab class period is required. Missed lab activities from UW-approved excused absences ( ) must be made up within one week to pass the course. Grading will be based on written lab reports (25% mid-term and 50% final report). These should outline the experiments, purpose of the lab, materials and methods, results, and discussion. Pre-lab assignments will be assessed throughout the quarter (25% of grade).