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Writing Scoring Rubric
PSE 407 - Winter 2001
Wood Chemistry Laboratory
Prof. Robert Northey


Scoring Rubric developed for the University of Washington Engineering Departments

  1. The CONTENT of the document, including text and other elements, is effective. It:
    • Clearly states the purpose, providing an explicit justification for the document.
    • Explicitly defines the scope for the reader.
    • Is factually correct.
    • Supports the purpose thoroughly and concisely.
    • Substantiates claims and, when appropriate, addresses alternative claims.
    • Shows that the writer understands the topic under discussion.
    • Uses language to connect the pieces of the argument or document.
    • Uses non-textual elements (graphs, charts, equations) that are necessary for clarity, are complete, and are referred to and explained appropriately in the text.
  1. The document is well-ORGANIZED for its intended audience and purpose. It:
    • Exhibits a logical progression and structures the content to represent that logical progression.
    • Uses headings and subheadings, when appropriate, to make the document's organization apparent to the reader.
  1. STYLE and TONE are appropriate for the intended audience and purpose. The style (word choice, sentence structure, voice):
    • Holds the reader's interest.
    • Includes a variety of sentence structures.
    • Shows appropriate use of active and passive voice.
    • Through vocabulary, demonstrates an understanding of the content, concepts, and methods in the discipline.
    • The tone (the writers' attitude toward the reader, the topic, and themselves):
      • Takes the reader's knowledge into consideration.
      • Matches the purpose in the level of formality.
      • Represents a voice that is authentic and credible, so the reader believes that the writer understands the topic.
  1. The document shows knowledge of writing FUNDAMENTALS. The writing:
    • Conforms to conventions or requirements of the document type.
    • Uses correct punctuation, grammar, usage, and spelling.
    • Uses proper citation form.
  1. The PRESENTATION is appropriate for the intended audience and purpose. It:
    • Is designed to help readers navigate through content.
    • Provides clear labels for tables, figures, and equations and uses sufficient space around these non-textual elements.
  1. The writing demonstrates an understanding of the ETHICS governing wiring. The writing:
    • Includes citations for other's ideas, including any information and non-textual material from sources outside the writer.
    • Does not use data selectively to manipulate the reader.
    • Acknowledges ideas or data that challenge the writer's conclusions.
Overall Evaluation of Paper      







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