Interior of the catacomb of Via Latina

Good Sheperd fresco from the Saint Callistus catacomb 3rd

Mosaic of Santa Pudenziana depicting Christ enthroned and
surrounded by apostles dressed in the togas of the Roman senate

San Lorenzo Outside the Walls
Christ with Peter and Paul
(Bishop Pelagius II 559-579 on the far right of Christ)
Late 5th C

Miniature image of Dido and Aeneas from the Codex Vaticanus

Coin of Emperor
Constantine with cross and orb
315 AD

Arch of Constantine.
Medallion depicting ascent of sun god Helios
312-315 AD

Mithraeum under
church of San Clemente
2nd-3rd centuries AD

Corridor of Roman

Christ as Good
Shepherd and Story of Jonah from Catacombs of Sts. Peter and Marcellinus
4th century AD

Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus
after 359 AD

Statue of Emperor
Constantine from Basilica of Maxentius
c 312 AD

Mosaics on Triumphal
Arch of Basilica of St. Maria Maggiore
c 430 AD

Mosaic of Christ
Child on Throne (St. Maria Maggiore)

Image of Christ as
Sol Invictus (Mausoleum of the Julii)
late 3rd century AD

Basilica of Santa
425-440 AD

Basilica of Santa Sabina (interior)

Old St. Peter's
(floor plan)
319 AD

Old St. Peter's
(cutaway drawing)

Arch of Constantine
(312-315 AD)

Apsidal Mosaic of
Christ and Apostles, Santa Pudenziana (late 4th-early 5th century AD)

Santa Maria Maggiore,
floor plan (late 4th-early 5th century AD)