Artist's Statement

Courtney Brown-Ostler

I am missing my grandmother right now. I wrote my poems on Thanksgiving Day when my family had all gone to bed. My grandmother died a week earlier, and I was feeling alone after a day when you should be considering what you are thankful for. I want to pay tribute to her. She meant the world to me, and she was in the front of my brain.

I made my decisions based on my emotions. I wanted to express my thoughts as they were within the moment that my fingers pressed down the keys on my laptop. I wanted my poems to show my pain, and my feelings of hope, in times of struggle. My technique was to choose one of the 81 poetry prompts that we were assigned in class, but to take that prompt and run with it. I wanted to decide a prompt, and then just immediately start writing what came to mind. That was my main theme. I wanted my thoughts and feelings to come out, without any preconceived notions. I wanted all writing in the poetry to be as accurate to the thoughts in my head, as I could possibly write.

I wrote these poems from the inspiration of picking 4 ways of writing poetry from an assignment in class. I wanted to pick prompts that I could express myself easily, without having to sit and ponder what to write for long. I wanted all of my thoughts to just happen, and not have anything leading up to that. Just original, thoughts as they were at the moment that they entered my consciousness.


I am feeling not really tired right now,
The laundry is loud,
I'm still full from dinner,
I can't wait to read Moby Dick,
There is no way I will stop missing him,
It's funny how things work out.

What is the meaning of life?
Isn't that a funny question?
What was that girl doing in our last class?
Was anyone else uncomfortable?
How can people get up at 4 in the morning to go shopping?
Wouldn't you rather relax?

It is cold outside.
I am happy.
I miss my ex-boyfriend.
I know I shouldn't.
I am hopeful.
I am proud of myself.
My friends keep me sane.
I love MAC, and my girls.
I am not very good at math.
My cat is beautiful.
Cheese and Ice Cream are my favorite foods.
I can't wait to graduate.
I miss my grandma.
She was beautiful.
Homework makes me nervous.
I have the most amazing life.

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