Biostat 580B - Statistical Genetics Seminar

Winter Quarter 2007
Seminar: Tuesday 4:00-5:00, probably in F643 HSB


January 9
First 40 minutes: Liping Tong will talk about her new methods for MCMC sampling of inheritance patterns on pedigrees.
Last 20 minutes: Organizational meeting
Bring, written down on a piece of paper, general topic(s) you would be interested in reading about that are pertinent to the broad field of statistical genetics. If you have any specific articles from the literature to suggest, write those down as well. We will (as usual) pick one or more areas for literature review, for weeks in which we do not have a research presentation, and we will set up the rest of the quarter's schedule. List of topics from Jan 9 meeting

January 16: Amy Anderson and Sansoon Wu: Copy number variation

January 23; Yanming Di and Grace Ge; Complex traits; Candidate genes

January 30; Carolyn Hutter and Yoonha Choi; Genome-wide Assoc Studies Two other papers that provide some background and motivation are

February 6; Audrey Fu ; modelling LD for assoc studies

February 13; Elisabeth Rosenthal; Research Talk;

February 20: Pui Yee Fong and Cara Carty: MDR for gene-gene interaction
Main paper will be the early introduction and application of MDR by its original inventors:

Here are two other relevant papers. The first is a recent review paper, also by Ritchie. However, only the abstract is available through UW. Cara and Pui Yee may give us some background from this paper. The second is a recent application, combining MDR with other approaches to get an overall paradigm. The results with regard to MDR are negative, so it turns out not very interesting in that regard, but may be of interest to some in terms of where these methods are heading applicationwise.

February 27: Charla Lambert; Research Talk

March 6; Chad Brock and Dustin Weems; Genome scans for selection