Physics 427A, Summer 2009
Quantum Computation and Quantum Cryptography

Instructor: Boris Blinov
Email: blinov (at) u.washington.edu

Office: PAB B436
Office Hours: by appointment
Telephone: 221-3780

Welcome to Physics 427A!

Final presentations and papers:

Homework #4: probelms 7.5.1 and 7.5.3 from LeBellac. Due Thursday, August 20, written (we shall not have an in-class discussion of this last homework).

Slides from 8/11/2009 lecture:
superconducting qubits
solid state qubits

MSW Word template and instructions for its installation/use for an APS-style article can be found here: http://www.ib.cnea.gov.ar/Word_APS/Word_APS.html(also the template itself is here).

The LaTeX template and all the necessary style files are available here: http://authors.aps.org/revtex4/

Your paper should be at least 4 pages long in Physical Review double-column format (approximately 3500 words).

Slides from 8/6/2009 lecture (PowerPoint):
- Optical quantum computing

Slides from 8/4/2009 lecture (PowerPoint):
- Cavity QED

Slides from 7/30/2009 lecture (PowerPoint):
- introduction
- trapped ions

Homework #3: problem 6.5.3 from LeBellac and problems 10.65, 10.66 and 10.68 from Nielsen and Chuang (handout). Due Thursday, 6.

Homework # 2: problems 5.10.2 and 5.10.3 from LeBellac. Due Thursday, July 23.

NO CLASS Tuesday June 30 and Thursday July 2 (due to Atomic Physics Gordon Conference).