C463, Spring 2006

Chinese Literature, Yuan Dynasty through the 20th Century

M-F 10:30-11:20, Denny 314


Prof. John Christopher Hamm


Gowen M235 (543-4974)

Office Hours: M, W 1-2 or by appt.


Click here for Daily Schedule of Assignments


Aims: C463, the third term of a year-long survey of Chinese literature, covers the latter 13th through the 20th centuries, and is designed to give students an acquaintance with major literary forms, works, and authors in the context of cultural and political history. Lectures and background readings will outline historical developments, while readings of selected texts in English translation will provide first-hand exposure to prominent and representative works. The course is intended to serve both those students who wish to supplement studies of or an interest in China with a basic knowledge of its recent literature, and those students seeking general grounding in preparation for more advanced studies of Chinese literature.


Prerequisites: There are no prerequisites for the course. All readings and lectures will be in English, although students must be prepared to master Chinese terminology and names in pinyin transliteration. C461 and C462, and/or previous coursework in Chinese language, literature, history, and culture, are recommended but not required.


Requirements: Students enrolled in the course are required to prepare daily readings; submit weekly reading notes; attend lectures and participate in class discussion; and take two midterms and a final exam. For graduate students in Asian Languages and Literature, the weekly reading notes are optional, but an additional research paper is required.


Grading: participation (includes reading notes and class discussion), 20%; midterms, 40%; final, 40%.

Grading for AL&L graduate students: participation, 10%; midterms, 30%; final, 30%; paper, 30%.


Texts: Required readings for the course are in two textbooks and a two-part course reader. Students are expected to prepare the readings in a timely fashion and bring the primary readings (those in Owen and the course reader) to class on the days on which they will be discussed.