Giving a Quality Presentation

You must attend at least one CSS Student Colloquium prior to the quarter you will present so that you can get a sense of expectations and what good and bad presentations/posters look like. Practice your talk and show drafts of your poster and presentation to your advisor. Moreover, it is expected that students presenting will stay for the whole colloquium and view others' presentations.

For the presentation, go over the organization and your project:

Presentations can get a bit technical, but not too much as there's not time. Presentations are 10 minutes so be organized. Aim for around 9 minutes as there usually aren't too many questions. If there is time, end with a summary, things such as:

The UWB Office of Research offers oral presentation workshops; see Office of Sponsored Research for their calendar of events.

Evaluate, as your advisor will be, if you put together a good presentation -- Presentation Rubric

Here are a few tips for the day of the talk: