Overview papers
All overiew papers are 1.5-2 pages, 11 point Times Roman font, one inch
margin on all side, and single spaced. The "summary" part should be half a
page to one page maximum. The "reflections/thoughts" part should be one
page to 1.5 pages maximum (entire paper should be just over 1,000
words). While you can do your reading and studying in study groups,
reflections are individual submissions.
Please submit the papers via the following link by 9:30 AM on the due dates:
Also print a copy of your paper
and bring it to class for discussion. File names for email submission
should be lastname_due_date.(doc or pdf) (e.g. smith_090210.doc).
You will work on a midterm and a final project, three students to a team.
In your project proposals (150-200 words), please describe the primary
topic you wish to address in your presentation. Include
a tentative title and your names. Also include a "second choice" topic (one
line title). Slide presentations should be timed for
20-22 minutes and should emphasize clarity and content.
Week 1
- Due 8-24-10: Overview paper on Gordon, Chapters 1 and 2; Ariely, Introduction and Chapter 1.
- Due 8-25-10: Overview paper on Gordon, Chapters 3, 4, and 5; Ariely, Chapter 2.
- Due 8-26-10: Overview paper on Gordon, Chapters 6, 7, and 8; Ariely, Chapter 3.
- Due 8-27-10: Midterm project one-paragraph proposal.
Week 2
- Due 8-30-10: Overview paper on Hölldobler/Wilson, The Life and
Death of the Colony; Ariely, Chapter 4.
- Due 8-31-10: Overview paper on Hölldobler/Wilson, How Ants
Communicate; Ariely, Chapter 5.
- Due 9-1-10: Overview paper on Hölldobler/Wilson, War and
Policy; Ariely, Chapter 6.
- Due 9-2-10: Overview paper on Hölldobler/Wilson, Conflict and
Dominance; Ariely, Chapter 7, and final project one-paragraph proposal.
Week 3
- Due 9-7-10: Midterm project presentations.
- Due 9-8-10: Overview paper on Hölldobler/Wilson, The Origin of
Cooperation; Ariely, Chapters 8 and 9.
- Due 9-9-10: Overview paper on Hölldobler/Wilson, The
Superorganism; Ariely, Chapters 10 and 11.
Week 4
- Due 9-13-10: Overview paper on Hölldobler/Wilson, Social
Parasites: Breaking the Code; Ariely, Chapter 12 and 13.
- Due 9-14-10: Overview paper on Hölldobler/Wilson, Army
Ants; Ariely, Chapter 14.
- Due 9-15-10:
Overview paper on Hölldobler/Wilson, How Ants
Control Their Environment; Ariely, Chapter 15.
- Due 9-16-10: Final project presentations
The following videos will be shown and discussed in class through the 4-week
duration of the course.