
For bug reports please e-mail with [BUG] in the subject line followed by a brief description. You may use the body of the e-mail to explain more about the bug. Please mention the exact action or command you were performing which led to the bug you are reporting. If the bug is reproduce-able, it will help if you can list the sequence of steps that will reproduce the bug. Also, mentioning information such as OS version, Radiance install version, graphics card/driver, camera model and driver, SDK version etc. will help us provide a faster reponse.

For feature requests, please e-mail with [FEATURE] in the subject line followed by a brief description. You may explain more about the feature you would like to see implemented in hdrscope. Screenshots, mockups, Radiance command sequences etc. may also help. If you would like to send bulk or large attachments, please use a cloud hosted service such as Dropbox or Google Drive and send the link by e-mail.