Week |
Date |
Chapter |
topic 1 |
topic 2 |
topic 3 |
Kanji |
Quiz, etc. |
1 |
1/6 (M) |
Qs 1 |
5 |
first day activity |
1/7 (Tu) |
Lec.1 |
5 |
Orientation |
Ch. 5 Vocabulary |
1/8 (W) |
Qs 2 |
5 |
Ch. 5 Vocabulary |
Dates (Textbook p. 127) |
1/9 (Th) |
Lec. 2 |
5 |
Adjectives |
山、川、元気、天気、私、今日 |
Quiz 1 (Ch. 5 Vocabulary: Nous and Verbs) |
1/10 (F) |
Qs 3 |
5 |
Adjectives |
2 |
1/13 (M) |
Qs 4 |
5 |
Adjectives |
1/14 (Tu) |
Lec. 3 |
5 |
likes/dislikes |
"Let's ~" |
"Shall we ~?" |
女、男、見る、行く、食べる、飲む |
Quiz 2 (Ch. 5 Vocabulary:い/なAdjectives) |
` |
1/15 (W) |
Qs 5 |
5 |
すき、きらい |
~ましょう |
~ましょうか |
1/16 (Th) |
Lec. 4 |
5 |
negative quistion |
counting (~まい、~はい、~ひき、~ほん) |
Quiz 3 (Ajective Conjugation; Kanji intorduced in Ch. 3 & 4) |
1/17 (F) |
Qs 6 |
5 |
counting |
Dialogs |
top |
3 |
1/20 (M) |
M.L King Day |
no class |
1/21 (Tu) |
Lec 5 |
6 |
Ch.6 |
て-form |
東、西、南、北、口、出る、右、左 |
Quiz 4 (Like/Dislike, 〜ましょう・ましょうか, Kanji Ch. 5 (reading))
1/22 (W) |
Qs 6 |
6 |
Ch. 6 Vocabulary |
1/23 (Th) |
Lec 6 |
6 |
て-form constructions |
Describing sequence |
分、先生、大学、外国 |
Quiz 5 (counting, Kanji from Ch. 5 (writing) |
1/24 (F) |
Qs 7 |
6 |
て-form constructions |
top |
4 |
1/27 (M) |
Qs 8 |
6 |
て-form constructions |
1/28 (Tu) |
Lec 7 |
6 |
Explaining with から |
Ch. 6 Vocabulary, て-form)Kanji Ch. 5) |
1/29 (W) |
Qs 9 |
6 |
~て~ |
~ますから。~ですから |
1/30 (Th) |
Lec 8 |
Mid-term Exam (Listening/Reading Comprehension) |
1/31 (F) |
Qs 10 |
Mid-term Exam (Writing) |
top |
5 |
2/3 (M) |
Qs 11 |
7 |
Ch. 7 Vocabualry |
2/4 (Tu) |
Lec 9 |
7 |
〜ている |
body parts |
京子、小さい、会社、父、母、高い |
2/5 (W) |
Qs 12 |
7 |
~ている |
body parts |
2/6 (Th) |
Lec 10 |
7 |
XはYが ~ (Physical Characteristics) |
family members |
学校、毎日、日本語、文学、帰る、入る |
Quiz 7 (Chapter 7 Vocabualry (Nouns) ,Chapter 6 Kaji) |
2/7 (F) |
Qs 13 |
7 |
~ている |
body parts |
top |
6 |
2/10 (M) |
Qs 14 |
7 |
Describing People |
family members |
2/11 (Tu) |
Lec 11 |
7 |
て-form: adjectives and the copula |
counting poeple |
Quiz 8 (Chapter 7 Vocabualry (Verbs/Adjective), Chapter 7 Kanji |
2/12 (W) |
Qs 15 |
7 |
adjective て-form |
counting people |
family members |
2/13 (Th) |
Lec.12 |
7 |
purpose of going/coming |
Quiz 9 (〜ている、 Physical Characteristics) |
2/14 (F) |
Qs 16 |
7 |
purpose of going/coming |
top |
7 |
2/17 (M) |
Presidents' Day |
no class |
2/18 (Tu) |
Lec. 13 |
8 |
short form |
informal (casual) speech |
Quiz 10 (Purpose of going/coming, counting people) |
2/19 (W) |
Qs 17 |
8 |
Ch. 8 Vocabualry |
short form |
2/20 (Th) |
Lec 14 |
8 |
quotation |
descirbe the favorite/unfavorite activities |
会社員、新聞、作る、仕事、電車 |
Quiz 11 (Adjectives て-form, family members) |
2/21 (F) |
Qs 18 |
8 |
quotation |
~のがすき・きらい |
top |
8 |
2/24 (M) |
Qs 19 |
8 |
2/25 (Tu) |
Lec 15 |
8 |
negative request |
question word+ が |
休む、言う、読む、思う、次、何 |
Quiz 12 (Chapter 8 vocabulary: Nouns, Kanji Ch. 7) |
2/26 (W) |
Qs 20 |
8 |
negative request |
question word +が |
2/27 (Th) |
Lec 16 |
8 |
indefinite pronouns |
Quiz 13 (Chapter 8 Vocabualry: Verbs and Ajectives, Kanji Ch. 7 |
2/28 (F) |
Qs 15 |
8 |
indefinite pronouns |
top |
9 |
3/2 (M) |
Qs 21 |
8 |
review |
3/3 (Tu) |
Lec 17 |
8 |
About Final exam |
review |
Quiz 14 (casual/informal speech, likes/dislikes) |
3/4 (W) |
Qs 22 |
8 |
review |
3/5 (Th) |
Lec. 18 |
8 |
review |
Quiz 15 (Quotation, negative request, indefinite pronouns) |
3/7 (F) |
Qs 23 |
8 |
review |
10 |
3/10 (M) |
oral interview |
3/11 (Tu) |
3/12 (W) |
oral interview |
3/13 (Th) |
3/14 (F) |
Final Exam Make-up (1:30-3:20) |
top |
Final Exam |
3/15 (Sat.) |
Final Exam |
10:30-12:20 GWN 301 |