Title: Essays
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TTH, 12:30-2:20 p.m.
Mary Gates 082A

K. Gillis-Bridges
Padelford A-305
TTH, 2:30-3:30, and by appt.

Case Study Revision Assignment

Due Date

Saturday, June 10, by noon via E-Submit


The revision assignment offers you the opportunity to rewrite one of your short essays for a new grade. The revision assignment involves the following components:

  1. Conference: Before undertaking your revision, you must meet with me to discuss my comments on your essay and your plans for revision.
  2. Substantial Revision: Correcting spelling or rewriting selected sentences does not constitute substantial alteration. Rather, your revision should offer a reworking of the thesis, organizational structure, development, or evidence. Select an essay whose grade you want to improve by at least ten points. Such essays provide opportunities for significant revision.
  3. Revision Memo: Along with your essay, you must submit a memo that identifies the changes you’ve made and explains how those changes have resulted in a stronger essay. Before writing the memo, examine the grading criteria for the assignment you’ve revised. How have your changes effectively met the criteria?

Please note that I will not grade assignments that do not include the outlined components.


Grades for the case study will be calculated on a 40-point scale, according to the criteria distributed with the original case study. Because the assignment is optional, I will not accept late revisions. Since I am allowing you to submit your revision the last day of finals week, I can only give you a new grade without substantial comments.


Last Update: 6/2/06
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