Cases and Precedents : emergency shelters | community rebuilding | ecology restoration | disaster prevention



Community Rebuilding

Physical damage as only part of the problem of a natural disaster. Disasters wreak havoc on community structure and livlihood. Community reconstruction is vital to the long-term success of disaster recovery and rebuilding. Shared infrastrure and community services -- including clinics, schools, community centers, sportsfields and gardens -- can help people rebuild their lives and social networks. Many of the case studies below involve changes to the built environment but are included here because their primary focus is on the reestablishment of healthy community.

In 1995 an earthquake devestated Kobe Japan. As detailed in the case study "Developing A Resilient City In Kobe, Japan," the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) developed a program for the civic rehabilitation, economic restoration and the process of developing Kobe into a more attractive city by fostering community collaboration.

The Kobe Earthquake- Creative Reconstruction of C0-OP Kobe (1997) is an example of how active co-op communties can unite to help each other. "They took the products from the damaged stores to set up temporary stalls immediately after the earthquake. Co-op Kobe also mobilized its trucks, which ordinarily deliver merchandise to HAN groups, to provide relief aid to all corners of the disaster-struck area."

The city of Johannesburg is developing a plan of action in partnership with the community to create Child Friendly Cities through out Africa.

The UNHCR defines Education as the right of every refugee. This article outlines the importance of providing services for refugees to gain skills and maintain education at the for front of their rehabilitation.

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the the United Nations proposed a plan to teach community members how to cultivate the land. The project described in " Planting Hope In Refugee Campa In Tanzania " has benifited the overall health of the community and improved their economic self-sufficiency.

Kenya Refugee Camp Goes Green- the negative environmental impacts refugee camps put on the local eco-system can deplete natural resources and cause environmental impacts such as large-scale deforestation. However, one refugee camp in Kenya has found an alternative to burning wood for cooking.

The American Friends Service Committe's project called Healing Through Community Gardening has benifited a community in Bosnia. This community has dealt with war and impoverished living conditions. By working in community gardens many citizens of this area have been able to provide food for thier families and provide a sense of accomplishment for their communities.

Architecture for Humanity's reconstruction efforts after the earthquake in Bam, Iran included clinic and library facilities.

Architecture for Humanity also initiated a competition to develop a football (soccer) facility for young girls in the AIDS-ravaged community of Somkhele, South Africa. The Siyathemba project (named for the Zulu word for "hope") endeavors to strengthen the community by empowering youth.

A shared lavanderia (washing place) in Santa Ursula, Mexico was built by a University of Washington Landscape Architecture design-build program.


