Lab 4 (due 2/1)


The goal of this lab is once again to continue development of your test suite on the one hand, and to refine your starter grammar on the other. This time, the focus on the test suite will be on phenomena not covered by the customization system (but on the agenda for the rest of the quarter). On the grammar side, the focus will be on whatever clean-up is required to get to a good starting point.

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Posting questions by Wednesday night helped some, but there was still a definite sense of procrastination last week. So this time you need to post at least one question by Wednesday night and at least one by Friday noon.

Version control

If you haven't already put your work for this class under version control, do so now. Here are the directions from Lab 3.

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Test Suite

The first task is to create positive and negative example sentences illustrating the following phenomena, to the extent that they are relevant for your language:

Before you start, read the general instructions for testsuites and the formatting instructions.

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Starter grammar

The goal for the starter grammars for this week is to get to the best possible starting point. I will try to get feedback to you from Lab 3 quickly, and my feedback will contain suggestions of what to clean up. If we've been discussing any tdl-editing for your grammar for phenomena already covered, this would be a good time to do it.

In addition, you should do the following:

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Make sure you can parse individual sentences

Once you have created your starter grammar (or each time you create one, as you should iterate through grammar creation and testing a few times as you refine your choices), try it out on a couple of sentences interactively to see if it works:

  1. Load the grammar into the LKB.
  2. Using the parse dialog box (or 'C-c p' in emacs to get the parse command inserted at your prompt), enter a sentence to parse.
  3. Examine the results. If it does parse, check out the semantics (pop-up menu on the little trees). If it doesn't look at the parse chart to see why not.
  4. Problems with lexical rules and lexical entries often become apparent here, too: If the LKB can't find an analysis for one of your words, it will say so, and (obviously) fail to parse the sentence.

Note that the questionnaire has a section for test sentences. If you use this, then the parse dialog will be pre-filled with your test sentences.

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[incr tsdb()] profile

The final step for this lab is to use the [incr tsdb()] grammar profiling system to test the performance of your starter grammar over your test suite, and then examine the results. (You may find in doing so that you want to refine certain aspects of your starter grammar. You can do this by uploading the file "choices" which comes with your grammar into the customization system and then tweaking from there.)

We expect to see an overall drop in coverage this week (since you'll be adding sentences that we don't expect to parse yet), but at the same time, some improvement over the subset of your test suite that represents the last two weeks.

Create a test suite profile

  1. Create a directory called tsdb inside your grammar directory.
  2. Inside tsdb, create two subdirectories: home (for test suite instances) and skeletons (for skeletons).
  3. Save a copy of Index.lisp in tsdb/skeletons
  4. Save a copy of Relations in tsdb/skeletons. (If your browser doesn't like files without extensions, here's another copy of the same file with .txt appended. You should save it as just Relations.)
  5. Make a subdirectory called lab2 inside tsdb/skeletons for your test suite. (If you choose a different name for this subdirectory, you must edit Index.lisp accordingly.)
  6. Download the perl script and run it on your test suite:

     perl testsuite.txt
  7. (If the perl script doesn't like the formatting of your test suite, edit the test suite appropriately and/or complain about the perl script on GoPost.)
  8. Copy the .item file which is output by to tsdb/skeletons/lab2/item.
  9. Copy tsdb/skeletons/Relations to tsdb/skeletons/lab2/relations (notice the change from R to r).

Create and run an initial test suite instance

  1. Start the lkb
  2. Load your starter grammar. (The script file is in matrix/lkb/script.)
  3. Start [incr tsdb()] (within emacs, that's M-x itsdb)
  4. In the [incr tsdb()] podium, select Options > Database Root and input the path to tsdb/home.
  5. In the [incr tsdb()] podium, select Options > Skeleton Root and input the path to tsdb/skeletons.
  6. Optional: For future use, you can set these variables ahead of time in a file called .tsdbrc in your home directory. It should contain these lines, with path names edited appropriately:
    (in-package :tsdb)
    (setf *tsdb-home* "path-to-tsdb/home")
    (setf *tsdb-skeleton-directory* "path-to-tsdb/skeletons")
  7. In the [incr tsdb()] podium, select File > Create. You should see your test suite in the menu there. Select it, and get a test suite instance. Post to GoPost if this doesn't work.
  8. Make sure your grammr is loaded into the LKB.
  9. Once you have a test suite instance, select it (by clicking on it), then do Process > All Items.
  10. Explore the results, with functions such as Browse > Results and Analyze > Competence.
  11. Be sure to save (i.e., not overwrite or delete) this test suite instance, as you'll be asked to turn it in.

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Write up

Your write up should include the following:

  1. Documentation the new or revised choices you made in the customization system, illustrated with examples from your test suite. (Diff your lab3 and lab4 choices files to make sure you've caught all the changes.) Here's an example of what this should look like.
  2. Descriptions of any properties of your language illustrated in your test suite but not covered by your starter grammar and/or the customization system. This will be most of the additions to your test suite this week. Here, too, please include IGT from your testsuite, and give explanations along the lines of the example above (though without the information about the customization system).
  3. Documentation the coverage of your grammar over the testsuite. If there are examples that thare parsed incorrectly (unanalyzed grammatical examples, analyzed ungrammatical examples, or grammatical examples assigned surprising parses), reflect on why that might be.
  4. Documentation of any changes you made to your grammar to improve its performance (coverage and accuracy). Include the exmaples that motivated the change and explain what changes you made to the choices file or tdl.

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ebender at u dot washington dot edu
Last modified: Sun Jan 25 21:12:31 PST 2009