Ling 573 - Natural Language Processing Systems and Applications
Spring 2013
Deliverable #4: Final Question-Answering Systems:
Code, Outputs, and Scores: Due May 31, 2013: 23:59
Final reports: Due June 11, 2013: 23:59
In this deliverable, you will complete development of your question-answering
system. You will
- Refine and finalize your end-to-end question answering system.
- Improve extraction of focussed answer strings.
- Exploit information from any source, including answer type, web snippet redundancy, and answer extraction techniques to improve your results.
- Perform final evaluation on a held-out test set.
Answer Extraction
For this deliverable, you will continue to refine your previous
approach to achieve better and more targeted answer extraction. Given the limited
time in the course, we will not require Jeopardy!-style
answers, but will continue to allow pattern-matching responses, possibly with some neighboring text.
Specifically, for each question, you should produce the best 20 answer snippets, not to exceed the following lengths:
- 100 characters
- 250 characters
You may build on techniques presented in class,
described in the reading list, and proposed in other research articles.
Note: If your answer strings are already below these thresholds, no change in length is required.
Document Collections
Training and Devtest Corpus
The Aquaint Corpus was employed as the document
collection for the question-answering task for a number of years,
and will form the basis of retrieval for part of this deliverable.
The collection can be found on patas in /corpora/LDC/LDC02T31/.
Evaltest Corpus
The Aquaint-2 Corpus was employed as the document
collection for the question-answering task for the most recent years
and will form the basis of retrieval for the final evaluation of this deliverable.
The collection can be found on patas in /corpora/LDC/LDC08T25/.
Note:The DTD differs a bit from the original Aquaint corpus
structure, mostly in terms of the location of the document identifier as an
attribute of the DOC element.
Training Data and Development Test Data
Training Data
You may use any of the TREC question collections through 2005
for training your system. For 2003, 2004, and 2005 there are prepared gold standard
documents and answer patterns to allow you to train and tune your
Q/A system.
All pattern files appear in /dropbox/12-13/573/Data/patterns.
All question files appear in /dropbox/12-13/573/Data/Questions.
Training data appear in the training subdirectories.
Development Test Data
You should perform your development test evaluation on the TREC-2006 questions and their corresponding documents and answer string patterns. You are only required to test on the factoid questions.
Evaluation Test Data:
Question set will be posted 5/21
Answer patterns will be posted 5/28
You should perform your final evaluation on the TREC-2007 questions and their corresponding documents and answer string patterns. You are only required to test on the factoid questions.
NOTE:Please do NOT tune on these questions.
This data will be in the corresponding 'evaltest' directories.
You will compute
MRR (Mean Reciprocal Rank), strict and lenient, of results for each of the
two answer length runs.
These scores should be
placed in files called QA.results_year_length,
- where year is 2006 or 2007, and
- length is the maximum allowed length of the answer in characters,
in the results directory.
A simple script for calculating MRR based on the Litkowski pattern files
and your outputs is provided in /dropbox/12-13/573/code/
It should be called as follows:
python2.6 pattern_file QA.outputs {type} where
- pattern_file is the factoid Litowski pattern file,
- QA.outputs is your question-answering output file, and
- type is "strict" or "lenient". If you omit the type, it will default to strict
Create four (4) output files in the outputs directory, based on running your question-answering system on
the 2006 devtest data file and the 2007 evaluation test data file, for each of the
required answer string lengths. They should be named QA.outputs_year_length,
like the results files above.
Completing the project report
This final version should include all required sections, as well as
a complete system architecture description and proper bibliography
including all and only the papers you have actually referenced.
See this document for full details.
Please name your report D4.pdf.
Your presentation may be prepared in any computer-projectable format,
including HTML, PDF, PPT, and Word. Your presentation should take
about 10-15 minutes to cover your main content, including:
- Your overall system, emphasizing refinements to answer extraction.
- Issues and successes
- Related reading which influenced your approach
Your presentation should be deposited in your doc directory,
but it is not due until the actual presentation time. You may continue
working on it after the main deliverable is due, and create a new tag (e.g. 4.1) for the corresponding release.
- Finish coding and document all code.
- Verify that all code runs effectively on patas using Condor.
- Add any specific execution or other notes to a README.
- Create your D4.pdf and add it to the doc directory.
- Verify that all components have been added and any changes checked in.