SAMLab Tip Sheets           Please direct comments, problems, or suggestions to


Tip Sheets 1-10 focus on Excel; Tip Sheet 11 focuses on G*Power


Tip Sheet #1 "Translating Mathematical Formulas into Excel"

                        PDF format               PDF format Excel 2007


Tip Sheet #2 "Shortcuts to Performing an Operation Multiple Times"

                        PDF format               PDF format Excel 2007


Tip Sheet #3 “Using Excel’s Function Library”

                        PDF format               PDF format Excel 2007


Tip Sheet #4 “Creating a Histogram”

                        PDF format               PDF format Excel 2007


Tip Sheet #5 “Creating Graphs”

                        PDF format               PDF format Excel 2007


Tip Sheet #6 “Calculating the Variance and Standard Deviation”

                        PDF format               PDF format Excel 2007


Tip Sheet #7 “Computing a Pearson r”

                        PDF format               PDF format Excel 2007


Tip Sheet #8 “The Linear Regression Equation and

the Standard Error of the Estimate”

                        PDF format               PDF format Excel 2007


Tip Sheet #9 “The Single-Sample z Test”

                        PDF format               PDF format Excel 2007


Tip Sheet #10 “The Single-Sample t Test”

                        PDF format               PDF format Excel 2007


Tip Sheet #11 “Calculating Power Using G*Power”

                        PDF format               MS Word format