Marine Ecology  
Bivalves and Chitons




Mytilus spp

Siliqua patula

Cryptochiton stelleri

Species List


Student pages




Class Bivlavia


Introduction of the Bivalve


Bivalves are what people usually think of as shellfish. They are commonly commercially harvested for consumption, and many varieties are sold in markets. Common characteristics include:

  • Laterally compressed bodies within two shells2
  • Absence of radula2
  • Body is within mantle cavity3clinocardium


Life History



  • Mostly marine, some live in freshwater4
  • A majority are benthic, but a few are pelagic3
  • Live on and within sediments4
  • Most live in intertidal zone4

 Feeding and Respiration

  • Ingest food by filtering particles from water through cilia on gills2
  • Mucus threads move food particle from gills to mouth2
  • Crystalline style, a rod in stomach, aids in digestion by rotating3
  • Gas exchange is done through the paired gills3


  • Bivalves are broadcast spawners, releasing eggs and sperm directly into the water column3


This web page is part of the UWT Marine Ecology course project