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Midwest Archaic
American Southeast: Poverty Point Culture
Maritime Archaic: Maine, New Brunswick, Labrador, and Newfoundland:
Plains Archaic AND Desert Archaic
American Northwest
MesoAmerica: Oaxaca, Chiapas coast
South America: Andes, Pacific Coast, Tierro del Fuego, Amazonia
Arctic and Subarctic
Archy 304, Fall 2002 New World Prehistory
Poster Research The following references are provided to give you a place to start in researching your topic. You will want to conduct library searches to find additional (and more recent) references:
Midwest Archaic
Struever, Stuart and John Carlson.
1977 Koster site: the new archaeology in action. Archaeology. vol. 30 no. 2, pp. 93-101.
Struever, Stuart and James A Brown.
1972 The Koster site: a stratified archaic site in the Illinois Valley. Central States Archaeological Journal. vol. 19, no. 2, p. 53-60.
Perino, Gregory and Paul W.Parmalee,
date unknown The Koster Mounds, Greene County, Illinois. (Illinois Archaeological Survey) Bulletin no.9,pp.141-210.
Holton, Felicia Antonelli.
1981 The Koster site: its history and significance. Koster. v. 2, no. 1, 1981.
Buikstra, Jane E.
1981 Bio-archeology at the Koster site: the multidisciplinary approach of modern archeology. Koster. v. 2, no. 1.
Luchterhand, Kubet.
1970 Early archaic projectile points and hunting patterns in the Lower Illinois Valley. Springfield, Illinois State Museum.
Phillips, James L. and James A. Brown, eds.
1983 Archaic hunters and gatherers in the American Midwest. New York : Academic Press.
Butzer, Karl W.
1977 Geomorphology of the lower Illinois Valley as a spatial-temporal context for the Koster archaic site. Springfield : Illinois State Museum.
Neumann, Holm Wolfram.
1967 The paleopathology of the archaic Modoc Rock Shelter inhabitants. Springfield.
Struever, Stuart and Felicia Antonelli Holton
1979 Koster: Americans in search of their prehistoric past. Garden City, N.Y. : Anchor Press/Doubleday.
American Southeast: Poverty Point Culture
McNutt, Charles H., ed.
1991 The archaic period in the mid-South : proceedings of the 1989 Mid-South Archaeological Conference, Memphis, Tennessee. Jackson, Miss.: Mississippi Dept. of Archives and History.
Marquardt, William H. and Patty Jo Watson
1983 Shell Mound Archaic of western Kentucky. Archaic hunters and gatherers in the American Midwest. New York, p.323-339.
Claassen, Cheryl P.
1991 Gender, Shellfishing, and the Shell Mound Archaic. In Engendering Archaeology: Women and Prehistory, Joan M. Gero and Margaret W. Conkey, eds. Oxford, Blackwell. Pp. 276-300.
Powell Mary Lucas, Patricia S Bridges, and Ann Marie Wagner Mires, eds.
1991 What mean these bones?: studies in southeastern bioarchaeology. Tuscaloosa : University of Alabama Press. (see Patricia Bridges contribution).
Lewis, Thomas McDowell Nelson and Madeline Kneberg Lewis.
1961 Eva, an archaic site. Knoxville, University of Tennessee Press.
Ford, James Alfred.
1955 Poverty Point excavations. Science. n.s. v. 122, p. 550-551
Ford, James Alfred and Clarence H. Webb
1956 Poverty Point, a late archaic site in Louisiana. New York.
Byrd, Kathleen M, ed.
1991 The Poverty Point culture : local manifestations, subsistence practices, and trade networks. Baton Rouge, La.: Geoscience Publications.
Webb, Clarence H.
1982 The Poverty Point culture, 2nd ed., rev. Baton Rouge : School of Geoscience, Louisiana State University.
Webb, Clarence H.
1968 The extent and content of Poverty Point culture. American Antiquity. vol. 33, (no. 3), p. 297-321.
Webb, Clarence H.
1970 Settlement patterns in the Poverty Point cultural complex. Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Bulletin. no. 12. (and other contributions).
Webb, Clarence H.
1970 Intrasite distribution of artifacts at the Poverty Point site, with special reference to women's and men's activities. Bulletin. no. 12, pp. 21-34.
Patterson, Leland W.
1975 The Poverty Point culture, as seen from southeastern Texas. Louisiana Archaeology. no. 2. p. 153-162.
Smith, Brent W.
1981 The Late Archaic---Poverty Point steatite trade network in the Lower Mississippi Valley: some preliminary observations. Florida anthropologist. v. 34, no. 2. p. 120-125.
Hunter, Donald G.
1975 Functional analyses of Poverty Point clay objects. Florida Anthropologist. vol. 28, no. 2, pp. 57-71.
Gibson, John Lee.
1974 The rise and decline of Poverty Point. Louisiana archaeology. no. 1,. p. 8-36.
Gibson, Jon L.
1980 Speculations on the origin and development of Poverty Point culture. Louisiana archaeology. no. 6. p. 319-348.
Gibson, John Lee.
1972 Patterns at Poverty Point, empirical and social structure. (Southeastern Archaeological Conference) Bulletin. no. 15, , pp. 119-125.
Gibson, John Lee.
1974 Poverty Point: the First American Chiefdom. Archaeology. no. 2, vol. XXVII, pp. 96-105.
Gibson, John Lee.
2001 The Ancient Mounds of Poverty Point: Place of Rings. University of Florida Press.
Purrington, Robert D.
1983 Supposed solar alignments at Poverty Point. Review of: Astronomical alignments at Poverty Point. American antiquity. v. 48, no. 1,. p. 161-163.
Purrington, Robert D. and Colby Allan Child, Jr.
1989 Poverty Point revisited: further consideration of astronomical alignments. Archaeoastronomy no. 13. pp. 49-60.
Johnson, Jay K.
1993 Poverty Point period quartz crystal drill bits, microliths, and social organization in the Yazoo Basin, Mississippi. Southeastern Archaeology v. 12, no. 1. pp. 59-64.
Lehmann, Geoffrey R.
l98l Slate site, a Poverty Point lapidary industry in the southern Yazoo Basin, Mississippi. Louisiana archaeology no. 8, p.37-56.
Johnson, Jay K.
1983 Poverty Point period blade technology in the Yazoo Basin, Mississippi. Lithic technology v. 12, no. 3, p.49-56.
Gibson, Jon L.
1987 Poverty Point earthworks reconsidered. Mississippi archaeology v. 22, no. 2, p.14-29.
Jackson, H. Edwin.
1981 Recent research on Poverty Point period subsistence and settlement systems: test excavations at the J.W. Copes site in northeast Louisiana. Louisiana archaeology no. 8, p.73-86.
Jackson, H. Edwin.
1989 Poverty Point adaptive systems in the lower Mississippi Valley: subsistence remains from the J. W. Copes site. North American Archaeologist v. 10, no. 3. pp. 173-204.
Several papers in Lousianna Archaeology no. 13, 1986 (focus on Poverty Point), including, among others:
Haag, William G. Excavations at the Poverty Point site: 1972-1975. pp. 1-36.
Exnicios, Joan. and Deborah Woodiel. Poverty Point excavations, 1980-1982. pp. 73-100.
Byrd, Kathleen M. Future research directions (Poverty Point culture). pp. 249-251.
Gibson, Jon L. Earth sitting: architectural masses at Poverty Point, northeastern Louisiana. pp. 201-237.
Altschul, Jeffrey H. View from the outside: a new look at areas adjoining the Poverty Point site. pp. 101-112.
Maritime Archaic: Maine, New Brunswick, Labrador, and Newfoundland:
Belcher, William R., David Sanger, and Bruce J. Bourque.
1994 Bradley Cemetery: a Moorehead burial tradition site in Maine. Canadian Journal of Archaeology v. 18. pp. 3-28.
Fitzhugh, William Wyvill.
1978 Maritime archaic cultures of the central and northern Labrador coast. Arctic Anthropology. vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 61-95.
Fitzhugh, William W.
1983 Residence pattern development in the Labrador Maritime Archaic: longhouse models and 1983 surveys. Archaeology in Newfoundland and Labrador no. 4,. pp. 6-47.
Fitzhugh, William W.
1984 Early Maritime Archaic settlement studies and central coast surveys. Archaeology in Newfoundland and Labrador no. 5. pp. 48-85.
Hadlock, Wendell S. and Theodore Stern.
1948 Passadumkeag, a Red Paint cemetery, thirty-five years after Moorehead. American antiquity. v. XIV, p. 98-103.
Jordan, Richard H.
1975 Pollen diagrams from Hamilton Inlet, Central Labrador, and their environmental implications for the northern Maritime Archaic. Arctic Anthropology. vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 92-116.
Moorehead, Warren King.
1913 The red-paint people of Maine. American anthropologist. n.s., v. 15, p. 33-47.
Rutherford, Douglas E.
1990 Continuity of Moorehead Phase populations in New Brunswick and Maine. Papers, Algonquian Conference no. 21. pp. 329-336.
Sanger, David.
1975 Culture change as an adaptive process in the Maine - Maritimes region. Arctic Anthropology. vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 60-75.
Spiess, Arthur, Michael Brigham, and David Cook
1984 Accelerator radiocarbon date on a Red Paint feature. Bulletin - Maine Archaeological Society v. 24, no. 2, p.25-31.
Spiess, Arthur.
1991 Red Paint effigy from Wayne, Maine. Archaeology of Eastern North America v. 19. pp. 163-170.
Spiess, Arthur E.
1993 Caribou, walrus, and seals: Maritime Archaic subsistence in Labrador. In Archaeology of Eastern North America: Papers in Honor of Stephen Williams, pp. 73-100.
Thomson, Callum.
1982 Maritime Archaic longhouses and other survey results from outer Saglek Bay, northern Labrador, August 1982. Archaeology in Newfoundland and Labrador no. 3. pp. 3-31.
Thomson, Callum.
1983 Maritime Archaic occupation of Big Island, Saglek Bay: a preliminary report. Archaeology in Newfoundland and Labrador no. 4. pp. 48-54.
Thomson, J. Callum.
1986 Maritime Archaic and Middle Dorset occupations at Fleur de Lys: preliminary results of 1986 investigations on the Baie Verte Peninsula. Archaeology in Newfoundland and Labrador no. 7,. pp. 250-259.
Willoughby, Charles Clark.
1915 The "red paint people" of Maine. American anthropologist. n.s., vol. 17, p. 406-409.
Plains Archaic AND Desert Archaic
Wedel, Waldo Rudolph, Wilfred M. Husted and John H. Moss
1968 Mummy Cave; prehistoric record from Rocky Mountains of Wyoming. Science. n.s., vol. 160, (no.3824), p. 184-185.
McCracken, Harold.
1965 Mummy cave (Wyoming) archeological project. National Geographic Society Research Reports. pp. 155-160.
Frison, George C.
1970 The Kobold site, 24BH406: a post-althithermal record of buffalo-jumping for the Northwest Plains. Plains Anthropologist. vol. 15, no. 47, p. 1-35.
Frison, George C.
1972 The Glenrock buffalo jump. Wyoming archaeologist. vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1. 40-68.
Reher, Charles A.
1972 Population dynamics of the Glenrock (Bison bison) population. Wyoming archaeologist. vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1. 75-82.
Lobdell,, John E.
1973 The Scoggin Site : an Early Middle Period bison kill. Wyoming Archaeologist. vol. 16, no. 3 p. 1-36.
Wheat, Joseph Ben.
1982 Bone technology at Jurgens, Olsen-Chubbuck, and Little Box Elder. Canadian journal of anthropology. v. 2, no. 2,. p. 169-177.
Chubbuck, Jerry.
The discovery and exploration of the Olsen-Chubbuck site (CH-3). Southwestern lore. vol. XXV, p. 4-10. illus.
Speth, John D.
1983 Bison kills and bone counts : decision making by ancient hunters. Chicago : University of Chicago Press.
Niven, Laura B. and Matthew Glenn Hill
1998 Season of bison mortality at three Plains Archaic kill sites in Wyoming. Plains Anthropologist v. 43, no. 163. pp. 5-26.
Reeves, Brian O. K.
1978 Head-Smashed-In : 5500 years of bison jumping in the Alberta plains. Plains anthropologist. v. 23, no. 82, pt. 2, p. 151-174.
Pollock, John William.
1981 Plains archaic complexes in the Alberta parkland and boreal forest. Canadian journal of archaeology. no. 5, p. 145-153.
Schmits, Larry J.
1978 The Coffey site: environment and cultural adaptation at a Prairie Plains Archaic site. MCJA: Midcontinental journal of archaeology. v. 3, no. 1, p. 69-185.
Larson, Mary Lou and Larry C. Todd
The Charity site: a Plains archaic site in southeastern Wyoming. Wyoming Archaeologist. v. 21, no. 1 p. 10-22.
Hurt, Wesley R.
1964 Climatic change and the Northern Plains Archaic. (Indiana Academy of Science) Proceedings, vol. 74, p. 99-106.
Hammatt, Hallett H.
The Gore Pit site: an archaic occupation in southwestern Oklahoma and a review of the archaic stage in the southern Plains. Plains Anthropologist. vol.21 no.74, pp. 245-277.
Reher, Charles A. and George C. Frison
1980 Vore site, 48CK302, a stratified buffalo jump in the Wyoming Black Hills. Plains Anthropologist Memoir v. 16. pp. 1-190. [Memoir 16 is also vol. 25 no. 88 part 2 of Plains Anthropologist]
Frison, George C.
1982 Bone butchering tools in archaeological sites. Canadian journal of anthropology. v. 2, no. 2, p. 159-167.
[Notes: Bone technology, experimentation, assemblage, and non-human modification].
Frison, George C.
1983 Stone circles, stone-filled firepits, grinding stones and High Plains archaeology. From Microcosm to Macrocosm: Advances in Tipi Ring Investigation and Interpretation, pp. 81-91.
[Notes: Memoir 19 is also vol. 28 no. 102 part 2 of Plains Anthropologist.]
Finnegan, Michael.
1981 Archaic skeletal remains from the Central Plains: demography and burial patterns. Plains anthropologist memoir no. 17, , p.85- 92.
Fisher, Alton K. et al.
1985 Turin: a middle Archaic burial site in western Iowa. Plains anthropologist v. 30, no. 109, p.195-218.
Boyd, Carolyn E. and J. Philip Dering.
1996 Medicinal and hallucinogenic plants identified in the sediments and pictographs of the Lower Pecos, Texas Archaic. Antiquity v. 70, no. 268, pp. 256-275.
Bayham, Frank E. and Donald H. Morris
1990 Thermal maxima and episodic ocupation of the Picacho Reservoir dune field. Perspectives on Southwestern Prehistory, pp. 26-37.
Jennings, Calvin H.
The Paleo-Indian and archaic stages in western Colorado. Southwewestern Lore. vol. 34, (no. 1), p. 11-20.
Westfall, Deborah.
1981 Archaic and Basketmaker sites. Archaeological series. no. 153. p. 45-107
[Notes: Prehistory of the St. Johns Area, East-Central Arizona.]
Huckell, Bruce B.
1996 Archaic prehistory of the North American Southwest. Journal of World Prehistory v. 10, no. 3,. pp. 305-373.
Fish, Suzanne K., Paul R. Fish, and John Madsen
1990 Sedentism and settlement mobility in the Tuscon basin prior to A.D. 1000. Perspectives on Southwestern Prehistory, pp. 76-91.
Vierra, Bradley J.
1990 Archaic hunter-gatherer archaeology in northwestern New Mexico. Perspectives on Southwestern Prehistory, pp. 57-67.
Parry, William J. and F. E. Smiley
1990 Hunter-gatherer archaeology in northeastern Arizona and southeastern Utah. Perspectives on Southwestern Prehistory, pp. 47-56.
Morris, Elizabeth Ann.
1981 Status of Archaic period sites in the Anasazi area. Proceedings of the Anasazi Symposium, Jack E. Smith (ed.). Mesa Verde National Park, Colorado. Pp.69-71.
Shutler, Richard, Jr.
1968 The Great Basin archaic. Contributions in anthropology. vol. 1, no. 3, p. 24-26. Eastern New Mexico University, Portales.
Simms, Steven R.
1977 A Mid-Archaic subsistence in Great Basin paleoecological models. Publications in the social sciences. no. 12 pp. 195-210. Nevada. University, Reno. Desert Research Institute
[Notes: Models and Great Basin prehistory: a symposium.]
Fry, Gary F. and J.M. Adovasio
1970 Population differentiation in Hogup and Danger Caves, two archaic sites in the Eastern Great Basin. Anthropological Papers. Nevada State Museum, no. 15, pp. 207-215.
Fry, Gary F.
1978 Prehistoric diet at Danger Cave, Utah, as determined by the analysis of coprolites. Anthropological papers. Utah. University, Salt Lake City, Department of Anthropology.p. 107-126.
Roth, Barbara J.
1992 Sedentary agriculturalists or mobile hunter-gatherers?: recent evidence on the Late Archaic occupation of the northern Tucson Basin / Barbara J. Roth. Kiva v. 57, no. 4,. pp. 291-314.
Roth, Barbara J.
1995 Late Archaic occupation of the upper bajada: excavations at AZ AA:12:84 (ASM), Tucson Basin. Kiva v. 61, no. 2, pp. 189-207.
Huckell, Bruce B.
1984 Paleo-Indian and Archaic occupation of the Tucson Basin: an overview. Kiva v. 49, no. 3-4, p.133-145.
Waters, Michael R.
1988 Implications of the alluvial record of the Santa Cruz River to the discovery of Paleoindian and early Archaic sites in the Tuscon basin, Arizona. Current Research in the Pleistocene v. 5, pp. 98-99.
Wilde, James D. and Deborah E. Newman
1989 Late Archaic corn in the eastern Great Basin. American Anthropologist v. 91, no. 3, pp. 712-720.
American Northwest
Layton, Thomas Nutter.
?? Lithic chronology in the Fort Rock Valley, Oregon. Tebiwa. vol. 15, no. 2, pp. 1-21.
Grayson, Donald K.
Mount Mazama, climatic change, and Fort Rock Basin archaeofaunas. Volcanic activity and human ecology. p. 427-457.
Greenspan, Ruth L.
1984 Holocene lake level fluctuations inferred from fish remains in the Fort Rock Basin, Oregon. Tebiwa v. 21, p.50-55.
Toepel, Kathryn Anne and Ruth L. Greenspan
1985 Fish remains from an "open" archaeological site in the Fort Rock Basin, south-central Oregon. Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology v. 7, no. 1, p.109-117.
Thomas, David Hurst.
1984 Three generations of archaeology at Hidden Cave, Nevada. Archaeology v. 37, no. 5, p.40-47.
Thomas, David Hurst
1983 The archaeology of Monitor Valley. Vol. 1. New York : American Museum of Natural History. [Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History ; v. 58, pt. 1.]
Thomas, David Hurst.
1983 The archaeology of Monitor Valley.Vol. 2. Gatecliff Shelter. New York : American Museum of Natural History. [Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History ; v. 59, pt. 1.]
Thomas, David Hurst and Robert L. Bettinger
1976 Prehistoric pinon ecotone settlements of the upper Reese River Valley, central Nevada. New York : American Museum of Natural History. [Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History ; v. 53, pt. 3.]
Thomas, David Hurst.
1985 The archaeology of Hidden Cave, Nevada. New York : American Museum of Natural History. [Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History ; v. 61, pt. 1.]
Isaac, Barry L. (ed.)
1988 Prehistoric economies of the Pacific Northwest. Greenwich, Conn. JAI Press. [Research in economic anthropology. Supplement ; 3]
Contents: Contents: Pt. 1. Hoko River archaeological complex. Hoko
River archaeological complex, modeling prehistoric
Northwest Coast economic evolution / Dale R. Croes and
Steven Hackenberger. Taphonomy and stratigraphy in the
interpretation of economic patterns at Hoko River
rockshelter / Rebecca J. Wigen and Barbara R. Stucki -- Pt
2. Ozette village. The surplus economy of the central
Northwest Coast / David R. Huelsbeck. The use of
shellfish resources on the Northwest Coast / Gary C. Wessen -- Pt.
3 Lower Skeena River and Queen Charlotte Strait. Prehistoric
economic and social change in the Tsimshian area / Gary
Coupland. Changing patterns of resource use in the
prehistory of Queen Charlotte Strait, British Columbia /
Donald Mitchell -- Pt. 4. Archaeological overview
Archaeology and the study of Northwest Coast
economies / Donald Mitchell and Leland Donald.
Dale R. Croes and Eric Blinman (eds.)
1980 Hoko River : a 2500 year old fishing camp on the Northwest Coast of North America. Pullman, Wash. : Laboratory of Anthropology, Washington State University. [Reports of investigations (Washington State University Laboratory of Anthropology) ; no. 58.]
Kirk, Ruth and Richard D. Daugherty
1974 Hunters of the whale; an adventure of northwest coast archaeology. New York, Morrow.
Gleeson, Paul. and Gerald Grosso
Ozette site. Canada. National Museum of Man, Ottawa. Archaeological survey of Canada. Paper. no. 50, 1976, p. 13-44.
Drake, Robert J.
Molluscs from Pacific Northwest archaeological sites, 2. Washington: 45-CA-30, a coastal shellmidden in the Ozette area. Maritime village on the Olympic Peninsula of Washington. Pp. 49-66. Report of investigations. no. 22. Washington (State). State University, Pullman. Laboratory of Anthropology.
Friedman, Janet P.
Archaeological and wood technology at the Ozette archaeological site. Proceedings. vol. 7, pp. 109-120. Calgary. University. Archaeological Association. Annual Conference.
Huelsbeck, David R.
1988 Whaling in the precontact economy of the central Northwest Coast. Arctic Anthropology v. 25, no. 1, pp. 1-15.
Samuels, Stephen R.
1989 Spatial patterns in Ozette longhouse floor middens. Households and Communities, pp. 143-156.
Huelsbeck, David R.
1989 Food consumption, resource exploitation and relationships within and between households at Ozette. Households and Communities, pp. 157-167.
Flenniken, J. Jeffrey.
1980 Systems analysis of the lithic artifacts. Hoko River: a 2500 year old fishing camp on the northwest coast of North America. Report of investigations - Laboratory of Anthropology, Washington State University. no. 58, p. 290-307.
Croes, Dale R.
1987 Locarno Beach at Hoko River, Olympic Peninsula, Washington: Wakashan, Salishan, Chimakuan or who? Ethnicity and Culture, pp. 259-283.
Burley, David.
1981 Inter-regional exchange in the Gulf of Georgia during the Marpole phase, 490 B.C. to A.D. 500. Proceedings - Annual conference of the Archaeological Association of the University of Calgary. no. 12, p. 397-410.
Coupland, Gary
1991 Point Grey site: a Marpole spring village component. Canadian Journal of Archaeology v. 15, pp. 73-96.
Cannon, Aubrey.
1996 The early Namu archaeofauna. Early Human Occupation in British Columbia, pp. 103-110.
Carlson, Roy L.
1996 Early Namu. Early Human Occupation in British Columbia, pp. 83-102.
Hildebrandt, William R. and Terry L. Jones
1992 Evolution of marine mammal hunting: a view from the California and Oregon coasts. Journal of Anthropological Archaeology v. 11, no. 4, pp. 360-401.
author not known
1981 Oregon coast prehistory: a brief review of archaeological investigations on the Oregon coast. Northwest anthropological research notes. v. 15, no. 2, p. 149-161.
Ames, Kenneth M., Doria F. Raetz, Stephen Hamilton, and Christine McAfee
1992 Household archaeology of a southern Northwest Coast plank house. Journal of Field Archaeology v. 19, no. 3,. pp. 275-290.
Hall, Roberta L. and Robert D. Hall
1983 Possible aboriginal winter solstice viewing site on the southern Oregon coast. Archaeoastronomy v. 6, no. 1-4, , p.86-88.
Croes, Dale R.
1992 Exploring prehistoric subsistence change on the Northwest Coast. Long-Term Subsistence Change in Prehistoric North America, pp. 337-366.
Gustafson, Carl E.
1979 Manis Mastodon Site. Research reports - National Geographic Society v. 20, p.283-295.
Chatters, James C.
1989 Antiquity of economic differentiation within households in the Puget Sound region, Northwest Coast. Households and Communities, pp. 168-178.
MesoAmerica: Oaxaca, Chiapas coast
Marcus, Joyce (ed.)
1990 Debating Oaxaca archaeology. Ann Arbor, Mich: University of Michigan, Museum of Anthropology. (Chapters on Archaic or transition to Formative).
Flannery, Kent V. (ed.)
1986 Guila Naquitz : archaic foraging and early agriculture in Oaxaca, Mexico. Orlando: Academic Press.
Flannery, Kent V. (ed.)
1973 Prehistory and human ecology of the Valley of Oaxaca. Ann Arbor : Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan.
Smith, C. Earle, Jr.
1978 The vegetational history of the Oaxaca Valley. Ann Arbor: Museum of Anthropology, University of Michigan.
Whitley, David S. and Marilyn P. Beaudry
1991 Chiefs on the coast: developing chiefdoms in the Tiquisate region in ethnographic perspective. In, Formation of Complex Society in Southeastern Mesoamerica. pp. 101-119.
Russell, S. Robert.
1954 A new type of archaic ruins in Chiapas, Mexico. American Antiquity. vol. XX, p. 62-63.
Blake, Michael, John E. Clark, Barbara Voorhies, George Michaels, Michael W. Love, Mary E. Pye, Arthur A. Demarest, and Barbara Arroyo
1995 Radiocarbon chronology for the Late Archaic and Formative periods on the Pacific coast of southeastern Mesoamerica. Ancient Mesoamerica v. 6, no. 2,. pp. 161-183.
Drennan, Robert D.
Ritual and ceremonial development at the hunter gatherer level. The Cloud People. New York p.30-32.
Bernal, Ignacio.
1965 Archaeological synthesis of Oaxaca. Archaeology of Southern Mesoamerica, Part 2, pp. 788-813.
Whalen, Michael E.
1983 Reconstructing early Formative village organization in Oaxaca, Mexico. American antiquity. v. 48, no. 1, p. 17-43.
Voorhies, Barbara.
1996 Transformation from foraging to farming in lowland Mesoamerica. Managed Mosaic: Ancient Maya Agriculture and Resource Use, pp. 17-29.
Voorhies, Barbara.
Settlement patterns in two regions of the South Maya Lowlands. American Antiquity. vol. 37, no, 1, pp. 115-126.
Voorhies, Barbara.
Previous research on nearshore coastal adaptations. Prehistoric coastal adaptations. p. 5-21.
Nelson, Fred W. and Barbara Voorhies
1980 Trace element analysis of obsidian artifacts from three shell midden sites in the littoral zone, Chiapas, Mexico. American antiquity. v. 45, no. 3,. p. 540-550.
Kennett, Douglas J. and Barbara Voorhies
1996 Oxygen isotopic analysis of archaeological shells to detect seasonal use of wetlands on the southern Pacific coast of Mexico. Journal of Archaeological Science v. 23, no. 5, pp. 689-704.
Kennett, Douglas J. and Barbara Voorhies
1995 Middle Holocene periodicities in rainfall inferred from oxygen and carbon isotopic fluctuations in prehistoric tropical estuarine mollusc shells. Archaeometry v. 37, no. 1, pp. 157-170.
Voorhies, Barbara and Douglas Kennett
1995 Buried sites on the Soconusco coastal plain, Chiapas, Mexico. Journal of Field Archaeology v. 22, no. 1, pp. 65-79.
Voorhies, Barbara.
1978 Proyecto Soconusco: an archeological investigation of the ancient economic history in the coastal lowlands of Chiapas, Mexico. Research reports - National Geographic Society v. 19, p.661-670.
Voorhies, Barbara.
1989 Settlement patterns in the western Soconusco: methods of site recovery and dating results. New Frontiers in the Archaeology of the Pacific Coast of Southern Mesoamerica, pp. 103-124.
Blake, Michael, Brian S. Chisholm, John E. Clark, Barbara Voorhies, and Michael W. Love.
1992 Prehistoric subsistence in the Soconusco region. Current Anthropology v. 33, no. 1, pp. 83-94.
South America: Andes, Pacific Coast, Tierro del Fuego, Amazonia
Wing, Elizabeth S.
Hunting and herding in the Peruvian Andes. Archaeozoological studies. p. 302-308.
Saxon, Earl C.
1979 Natural prehistory: the archaeology of Fuego-Patagonian ecology. Quaternaria. v. 21, p. 329-356.
Linares, Olga Francesca.
"Garden hunting" in the American tropics. Human Ecology. vol. 4, no. 4, pp. 331-349.
Ravines, Roger.
Ambo taller litico preceramico de la sierra central del Peru. Kotosh. p. 5-9.
Muelle, Jorge C. and Rogger Ravines
1973 Los estratos preceramicos de Ancon. Revista del Museo Nacional. t. 39, p. 49-70.
Hornell, James.
The archaic sculptured rocks and stone implements of Gorgona Island, South America. Man. v. XXV, p. 81-84, 104-107.
Lynch, Thomas F. and Susan Pollock
Chobshi Cave and its place in Andean and Ecuadorean archaeology / Thomas F. Lynch. Anthropological papers in memory of Earl H. Swanson, Jr. Pp. 19-41.
Carneiro, Robert L.
An instance of the transport of artifacts by migratory animals in South America. American antiquity. vol. XXIV, p. 192-193.
Standen, Vivien. and Calogero M. Santoro
1994 Patapatane-1: temprana evidencia funeraria en los Andes de Arica (norte de Chile) y sus correlaciones. Chungara v. 26, no. 2, pp. 165-183.
Wise, Karen., Niki R. Clark, and Sloan R. Williams
1994 Late Archaic period burial from the south-central Andean coast. Latin American Antiquity v. 5, no. 3, pp. 212-227.
Schiavini, Adrian.
1993 Lobos marinos como recurso para cazadores: recolectores marinos, el caso de Tierra del Fuego. Latin American Antiquity v. 4, no. 4, pp. 346-366.
Piana, Ernesto, Asumpcio Vila, Luis Orquera, and Jordi Estevez
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